ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IRasterFunction Interface

Provides access to members that control a raster function.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method Bind Binds function arguments to this raster function.
Read/write property Description The raster function description.
Read/write property Name The raster function name.
Read/write property PixelType The output pixel type.
Read-only property RasterInfo The raster information after this function is applied to an object.
Method Read Reads a pixel block starting from the top left corner.
Method Update Updates using newly available information from bound object.
Read-only property Valid Indicates if this function is valid, e.g. bound to an object, and etc.

CoClasses that implement IRasterFunction

CoClasses and Classes Description
ArithmeticFunction A class for an arithmetic raster function.
AspectFunction The Aspect function.
BandArithmeticFunction A class for a raster Band Arithmetic function.
CachedRasterFunction The cached raster function for caching function raster datasets.
ClipFunction The class for a raster clipping function.
ColormapFunction A class for a colormap raster function.
ColormapToRGBFunction A class for a raster Colormap-To-RGB conversion function.
ColorspaceConversionFunction The class for a colorspace conversion function.
ComplexFunction A class for a Complex value conversion function.
CompositeBandFunction A class for a band composition raster function.
ConditionalFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for a local conditional function.
ConstantFunction The raster function of a constant value.
ContrastBrightnessFunction The Contrast/Brighntess function.
ConvolutionFunction A class for a convolution raster function.
ExcludedAreaFunction The raster function for generating excluded area.
ExtractBandFunction A class for a band extraction/selection raster function.
FootprintFunction The raster function for generating a raster footprint.
GeometricFunction A class for a raster geometric function.
GrayscaleFunction The greyscale conversion function.
HillshadeFunction The Hillshade function Class.
IdentityFunction A class for an identity raster function.
KauthThomasFunction The Tasseled Cap (Kauth-Thomas) function.
LasDatasetToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasDatasetToRasterFunction class.
LasToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasToRasterFunction class.
LocalFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for a local raster function.
MaskFunction The mask function for masking out background values.
MathFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for a local math function.
MergeRastersFunction The Tiled Raster function.
MLClassifyFunction (esriGeoAnalyst) The The ML classification function.
MosaicFunction A class for a raster mosaic function.
MosaicRastersFunction The Mosaic Rasters function.
NDVIFunction A class for a raster NDVI function.
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunction Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function.
PansharpeningFunction A class for a sharpening raster function.
RadarCalibrationFunction A class for a radiometric calibration function.
RasterFunctionCollection A class for a raster function collection.
RasterFunctionTemplate A class for a template raster function.
RasterInfoFunction The raster info function for modifying raster properties.
RasterItemFunction A class for a raster item function.
ReflectanceFunction The Reflectance function.
RemapFunction A class for a remap raster function.
RenderedRasterFunction A class for a rendered raster function.
ReprojectFunction The Reproject function Class.
RGB32Function A class for a packed RGBA raster function.
RGB32ToRGBFunction A class for a packed RGBA to 3 band RGB conversion raster function.
RGBToColormapFunction A class for a raster RGB-To-Colormap conversion function.
SAIFunction The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function.
ShadedReliefFunction The Shaded Relief function.
SlopeFunction The Slope function.
SpeckleFunction A class for a speckle raster function.
SpectralConversionFunction The spectral conversion function.
StatisticsFunction A class for a statistic raster function.
StretchFunction A class for a stretch raster function.
TableFunction A class for a table raster function.
TerrainToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The TerrainToRasterFunction class.
TrendFunction The Trend function.

.NET Samples

Create a Raster Function template (Code Files: CreateRasterFunctionTemplate) | Create a custom raster type from the ground up for DMCII data (Code Files: DMCIIRasterType) | Create a Math Function Raster dataset (Code Files: CreateMathFunctionRasterDataset) | Create an NDVI custom raster function (Code Files: NDVICustomFunctionUIClass TestNDVICustomFunction) | Create a Function Raster dataset (Code Files: CreateFunctionRasterDataset) | Create a custom raster function (Code Files: TestWatermarkFunction WatermarkFunctionUIClass)

.NET Related Topics

DataSourcesRaster | How to apply a raster function to an image service | How to create a Clip function dataset | How to create a Colormap function dataset | How to create a ColormapToRGB function dataset | How to create a ColorspaceConversion function dataset | How to create a Complex function dataset | How to create a CompositeBand function dataset | How to create a Constant function dataset | How to create a Convolution function dataset | How to create a Geometry function dataset | How to create a Grayscale function dataset | How to create a Hillshade function dataset | How to create a Mask function dataset | How to create a Pansharpen function dataset | How to create a Shaded Relief function dataset | How to create a Slope function dataset | How to create a Spectral Conversion function dataset | How to create a Statistics function dataset | How to create a Stretch function dataset | How to create a Trend function dataset | How to create an Arithmetic function dataset | How to create an Aspect function dataset | How to create an Extract Band function dataset | How to create an NDVI function dataset | How to create an RGB32 function dataset