Provides access to members that control a raster band object.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
The attribute table of this raster band.
The name of this raster band.
Returns true if this dataset can be copied.
The class names (titles).
The colormap of this raster band.
Calculates statistics and histogram if not previously stored.
The contrast look-up table of this band.
Copies this raster band to a new dataset with the specified name.
Indicates if the band was opened directly.
Indicates if this band has a colormap.
Indicates if this band has statistics.
Indicates if this band has an attribute table.
The histogram of this raster band.
The RasterDataset associated with this raster band.
The suggested representation type.
The statistics of this raster band.
CoClasses that implement IRasterBand
CoClasses and Classes
A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk.
IRasterBand interface provides access to statistics, histogram, raster attribute table, and colormap of the raster band.
The RasterDataset method returns a reference to the RasterDataset that contains this band.
The AttributeTable method returns a table if the raster band contains, or calculates a virtual table if the number of unique values of the raster band is less than 2048. The raster table can not be modified using ITable interface.
The ComputeStatsAndHist method calculates statistics and a histogram for the band.
The HasStatistics , HasHistogram , and HasColormap methods set the output parameter to True if the band contains a histogram, colormap, or statistics and False if the band does not.
See Also
IRasterPyramid3 Interface
.NET Snippets
Create BitwiseOp Right Shift Raster |
Create TrigOp Cos Raster |
Create LogicalOp Combinatorial OR Raster |
Create TrigOp ATanH Raster |
Create TrigOp CosH Raster |
Create LogicalOp Boolean AND Raster |
Create BitwiseOp AND Raster |
Create DistanceOp Cost Distance Raster |
Create LogicalOp Boolean XOR Raster |
Create LogicalOp Combinatorial AND Raster |
Create ExtractOp Circle Raster |
Create TrigOp SinH Raster |
Create GeneralizeOp Aggregate Raster |
Create MathOp Square Root Raster |
Create TrigOp Sin Raster |
Create LogicalOp Boolean NOT Raster |
Create MathOp Times Raster |
Create DistanceOp EucDirection Raster |
Create MathOp Round Up Raster |
Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Cost Allocation Raster |
Create DistanceOp Corridor Raster |
Create LogicalOp Boolean OR Raster |
Create TrigOp ACosH Raster |
Create BitwiseOp OR Raster |
Create MathOp Square Raster |
Create DistanceOp Cost Allocation Raster |
Create LocalOp Combine Raster |
Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Backlink Raster |
Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Direction Raster |
Create TrigOp ASin Raster |
Create BitwiseOp NOT Raster |
Create GeneralizeOp Boundary Clean Raster |
Create TrigOp ASinH Raster |
Create DistanceOp Cost Path Raster |
Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Allocation Raster |
Create ExtractionOp Attribute Raster |
Create TrigOp TanH Raster |
Create TrigOp ATan2 Raster |
Create LogicalOp Combinatorial XOR Raster |
Create HydrologyOp Basin Raster |
Create TrigOp ACos Raster |
Create TrigOp Tan Raster |
Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Least Accumulative Cost Raster |
Create DistanceOp EucAllocation Raster |
Create DistanceOp Cost Back Link Raster |
Create MathOp Round Down Raster |
Create NeighborhoodOp Block Statistics Raster |
Create BitwiseOp Left Shift Raster |
Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Distance Raster |
Create ConditionalOp Con Raster |
Create MathOp ABS Raster |
Create TrigOp ATan Raster
.NET Samples
Create a custom default raster catalog renderer (Code Files:
CustomRasterCatalogRenderer_VBNET ) |
Create a custom default raster renderer (Code Files:
RasterRendererMaker_1bit_TIFF_VBNET )
.NET Related Topics
DataSourcesRaster |
Geodatabase |
Handling multiband output |
How to add or remove a color map from a raster dataset |
How to create a raster dataset |
How to save and load color maps |
Performing a spatial analysis operation using objects