ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IGlobeHookHelper Interface

Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the GlobeControl, ArcGlobe, and custom controls and applications.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


Use the IGlobeHookHelper interface to return the Globe, GlobeDisplay, SceneViewer and Camera of the hook passed to the ICommand::OnCreate event regardless of whether the hook is a GlobeControl, ToolbarControl (with a 'buddy' GlobeControl) or ArcGlobe.


Read-only property ActiveViewer Active scene viewer of hooked control or application.
Read-only property Camera Camera of hooked control or application.
Read-only property Globe Globe of hooked control or application.
Read-only property GlobeDisplay GlobeDisplay of hooked control or application.
Read/write property Hook Hook object that should be the same as the hook object passed in ICommand::OnCreate.

CoClasses that implement IGlobeHookHelper

CoClasses and Classes Description
GlobeHookHelper Helps commands work with the GlobeControl, ArcGlobe, custom controls and applications.

.NET Samples

3D dynamic element tracking (Code Files: TrackDynamicObject) | Updating the purge rule on a real-time temporal layer (Code Files: TAPurgeRuleCmd) | Using HookActions in custom commands (Code Files: hookActionsCallout hookActionsFlash hookActionsGraphic hookActionsLabel hookActionsPan hookActionsZoom) | RSS weather GraphicTracker (Code Files: AddRSSWeather)

.NET Related Topics

How to wire ArcObjects .NET events