ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IEngineEditEvents.OnVertexAdded Event

Fires when a vertex is added to the edit sketch.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Event OnVertexAdded As OnVertexAddedEventHandler
public event OnVertexAddedEventHandler OnVertexAdded
HRESULT OnVertexAdded(
  IPoint* point


point [in]

  point is a parameter of type IPoint

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


The OnVertexAdded event is fired whenever a new vertex is added to an edit sketch. If the edit sketch vertex is added programmatically call IEngineEditSketch::VertexAdded to ensure that this event is fired. This could be used to check that the maximum number of points in a particular sketch is not exceeded before it is added to the edit sketch.

See Also

IEngineEditEvents Interface