Shows the metadata editor and indicates if the metadata property set was modified.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function Edit ( _ ByVal props As IPropertySet, _ ByVal hWnd As Integer _ ) As Boolean
[C#] public bool Edit ( IPropertySet props, int hWnd );
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The Edit method is used to invoke the Metadata Editor, which is used to create and edit metadata.
The props parameter must be of data type IPropertySet, in the form of an XmlPropertySet object. The PropertySet variable is the selected item’s metadata. The calling program must get this object from the selected ArcGIS item using its IMetadata::Metadata property, if the object supports this interface and if the IMetadataEdit::CanEditMetadata property returns the Boolean value TRUE. The PropertySet variable contains multiple value pairs that contain the tags—XPaths identifying existing XML elements—and their corresponding values. For example, if the item contains an FGDC metadata, its title element in the property set would be (“idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title”, “The Title”).
The hWnd parameter must be of type Long. It is a handle on the Metadata Editor window.
The returns value is a Boolean value, indicating if the metadata was changed.
Additional details are available in the ArcGIS 9.3.1 Developer Help documentation “How to create a custom metadata editor” available at ArcGIS online.