ArcObjects Library Reference (CatalogUI)  

IAGSSOEParameterPage Interface

Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages. Note: the IAGSSOEParameterPage interface has been superseded byIAGSSOEParameterPage2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Read/write property ExtensionProperties The extension properties.
Read-only property ServerObjectExtensionType Server object extension type.
Read/write property ServerObjectProperties The server object properties.
Read-only property ServerObjectType Server object type.

CoClasses that implement IAGSSOEParameterPage

CoClasses and Classes Description
GxFeatureAccessSOEPage Feature Access SOE properties page.
GxKMLSOEPage KML SOE properties page.
GxMapSOPage Map service properties page.
GxNASOEPage NA SOE properties page.
GxWCSSOEPage WCS SOE properties page.
GxWFSSOEPage WFS SOE properties page.
GxWMSSOEPage WMS SOE properties page.
GxWPSSOEPage WPS SOE properties page.