ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxPasteTarget Interface

Provides access to members for pasting objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method CanPaste Indicates if the specified names may be pasted into this object. On output, moveOperation indicates if a subsequent paste operation would represent a move, or merely a copy, operation.
Method Paste Pastes the specified names into this object. On input, moveOperation indicates if this is a move operation. On output, it indicates if the objects have been moved, or merely copied.

CoClasses that implement IGxPasteTarget

CoClasses and Classes Description
FDLFeatureClass (esriDataInteropUI) FDLFeatureClass Class
FDLRoot (esriDataInteropUI) FDLRoot Class
GxAGSConnection GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection.
GxAGSDraftFolder The Esri GxAGSDraftFolder object.
GxAGSFolder The Esri GxAGSFolder object.
GxCadDataset A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset.
GxCatalog GxObject that represents the catalog.
GxCoverageDataset A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset.
GxDatabase GxObject that represents a database.
GxDataset GxObject that represents a dataset.
GxDiskConnection GxObject that represents a disk connection.
GxFolder GxObject that represents a folder.
GxFolderConnections Container of folder connections.
GxGDSGeodatabase GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection.
GxLocator (esriLocationUI) A locator representation in ArcCatalog.
GxPCCoverage GxObject that represents PC Coverage.
GxRasterDataset A Gx Raster dataset.
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder Container of remote database workspaces.
GxSDCDataset A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table.
GxSpatialReferencesFolder Container of spatial references (PRJ files).
GxToolbox Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes.
GxToolboxesFolder Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes.
GxToolboxesRoot Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node.
GxVpfDataset A VPF Feature Class.
GxWorkspaceFolder GxObject that represents a workspace folder.
IMSFeatureClass GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class.
IMSMetadataService GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service.
SearchResults GxObject that represents the search result. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsRoot A container for search results. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.