ArcObjects Library Reference (CadastralUI)  

IConstructParcelFunctions3.ConstructParcelsFromLines Method

Creates parcels from a collection of IGSLines. AllowExternalChildrenParts should only be true for when creating single parcels.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub ConstructParcelsFromLines ( _
    ByVal GSPlan As IGSPlan, _
    ByVal pSourcePoints As ICadastralPoints, _
    ByVal Lines As IEnumGSLines, _
    ByVal pDestinationPacket As ICadastralPacket, _
    ByVal group As Integer, _
    ByVal breakSourceLinesAtLinePoints As Boolean, _
    ByVal skipCreationOfChildren As Boolean, _
    ByVal allowExternalChildrenParts As Boolean, _
    ByRef ppParcels As IEnumGSParcels, _
    ByRef pErrorLinePointFrom As Integer, _
    ByRef pErrorLinePointTo As Integer _
public void ConstructParcelsFromLines (
    IGSPlan GSPlan,
    ICadastralPoints pSourcePoints,
    IEnumGSLines Lines,
    ICadastralPacket pDestinationPacket,
    int group,
    bool breakSourceLinesAtLinePoints,
    bool skipCreationOfChildren,
    bool allowExternalChildrenParts,
    ref IEnumGSParcels ppParcels,
    ref int pErrorLinePointFrom,
    ref int pErrorLinePointTo

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

See Also

IConstructParcelFunctions3 Interface