Rubber-bands a rectangle on the PageLayoutControl.
ERROR: Syntax information about IPageLayoutControlDefault.TrackRectangle may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll
HRESULT TrackRectangle(
IEnvelope** rectangle
rectangle [out, retval]rectangle is a parameter of type IEnvelope
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine.
Use the TrackRectangle method within the IPageLayoutControlEvents::OnMouseDown event to rubberband a user defined rectangle. The IPageLayoutControlEvents::OnMouseMove event will be triggered during the track, but no IPageLayoutControlEvents::OnMouseUp event will occur. The ESC key on the keyboard can be used during the track to cancel the TrackRectangle.
Errors Returned
1017 800A03F9: The current tracking or panning must complete before this method can execute.