PolylineToRaster Class Properties
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ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools Namespace : PolylineToRaster Class

For a list of all members of this type, see PolylineToRaster members.

Public Properties

public PropertyAliasThe alias for this tool's toolbox.  
public Propertycell_assignmentThe method to determine how the cell will be assigned a value when more than one feature falls within a cell. MAXIMUM_LENGTH — The feature with the longest length that covers the cell will determine the value to assign to the cell. MAXIMUM_COMBINED_LENGTH — If there is more than one feature in a cell with the same value, the lengths of these features will be combined. The combined feature with the longest length within the cell will determine the value to assign to the cell. {MAXIMUM_LENGTH | MAXIMUM_COMBINED_LENGTH} (In, Optional)  
public PropertycellsizeThe cell size from which the output raster dataset will be created . This is the value in the environment if specifically set. If the environment is not set, then cell size is the shortest of the width or height of the extent of in_features in the output spatial reference divided by 250. (In, Optional)  
public Propertyin_featuresThe polyline input features to be converted to a raster dataset. (In, Required)  
public Propertyout_rasterdataset  
public PropertyParameterInfoThe parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.  
public Propertypriority_fieldThis field is used when a feature should take preference over another feature with the same attribute. (In, Optional)  
public PropertyToolboxDirectoryThe directory of this tool's toolbox.  
public PropertyToolboxNameThe name of this tool's toolbox.  
public PropertyToolNameThe name of this tool.  
public Propertyvalue_fieldThe field used to assign values to the features. This can be a field of the Input features. (In, Required)  

See Also

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