| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| create_annotation_when_feature_added | Specify whether new annotation will be generated when you add new features to the feature class to which this annotation feature class is linked. (In, Optional) |
| feature_linked | Choose whether the output annotation feature class will be linked to the features in another feature class. The feature-linked option is not available with an ArcView license. (In, Optional) |
| input_features | The coverage annotation features that you want to convert to geodatabase annotation. If you choose a coverage annotation layer in ArcMap, the following properties of that layer will be honored during the conversion: (In, Required) |
| linked_feature_class | The feature class to which you are linking annotation features. This option is only available if you choose FEATURE_LINKED for the previous parameter. (In, Optional) |
| match_symbols_from_first_input | If you are converting coverage annotation from more than one coverage or annotation subclass and need to substitute the font properties for a symbol and apply them to all the input features, you can use this option. (In, Optional) |
| output_featureclass | The geodatabase annotation feature class to which you want to convert coverage annotation. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| reference_scale | Enter the scale to use as a reference for the annotation. This sets the scale to which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be based. (In, Required) |
| require_symbol_from_table | Specify whether the output annotation features must reference a symbol stored in the symbol collection for the feature class. (In, Optional) |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
| update_annotation_when_feature_modified | Specify whether the ArcMap Editor will automatically update the placement of annotation when you edit features in the feature class to which this annotation feature class is linked. (In, Optional) |
| use_levels | Specify whether all coverage annotation drawing levels will be converted to annotation classes within the feature class. (In, Optional) |