ArcObjects Library Reference (SpatialAnalyst)  

ITrigOp.ATan2 Method

Calculates the calculates the inverse tangent (based on x/y) of cells in a GeoDataset.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function ATan2 ( _
    ByVal geoDatasetX As IGeoDataset, _
    ByVal geoDatasetY As IGeoDataset _
) As IGeoDataset
public IGeoDataset ATan2 (
    IGeoDataset geoDatasetX,
    IGeoDataset geoDatasetY
  IGeoDataset* geoDatasetX,
  IGeoDataset* geoDatasetY,
  IGeoDataset** outGeodataset


geoDatasetX [in]

  geoDatasetX is a parameter of type IGeoDataset

geoDatasetY [in]

  geoDatasetY is a parameter of type IGeoDataset

outGeodataset [out, retval]

  outGeodataset is a parameter of type IGeoDataset

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.


geoDatasetX specifies the numerator for the inverse tangent

Valid input include a Raster, RasterDataset, RasterBand, or RasterDescriptor.

geoDatasetY specifies the denominator for the inverse tangent

Valid input include a Raster, RasterDataset, RasterBand, or RasterDescriptor.

See Also

ITrigOp Interface

.NET Snippets

Create TrigOp ATan2 Raster