ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INAVRPSolver.InternalODCostMatrixType Property

Indicates the type of internal matrix to be created.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property InternalODCostMatrixType As esriNAODCostMatrixType
public esriNAODCostMatrixType InternalODCostMatrixType {get; set;}
HRESULT get_InternalODCostMatrixType(
  esriNAODCostMatrixType* Type
HRESULT put_InternalODCostMatrixType(
  esriNAODCostMatrixType Type


Type [out, retval]

  Type is a parameter of type esriNAODCostMatrixType

Type [in]

  Type is a parameter of type esriNAODCostMatrixType

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


The InternalODCostMatrixType property specifies a value of type esriNAODCostMatrixType. This enumeration constrains how the VRP solver uses and manages an internal NAODCostMatrixResult object during a Solve.

A client using the internal OD cost matrix pattern should set this property to esriNAODCostMatrixFull whenever the set of barrier locations, restrictions, usage of hierarchy or attribute parameter values have changed since the last Solve operation. This ensures that the internal OD cost matrix is fully recalculated based on any new barrier locations or solver settings. Otherwise, setting this property to esriNAODCostMatrixUpdate will ensure that the internal cost matrix is updated with new OD cost entries for locations added since the last Solve operation.

See Also

INAVRPSolver Interface

.NET Snippets

Set Vehicle Routing Problem Properties