ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

IGeometryServer.FindUnitsByWKID Method

Defines a unit object based upon its well known identified (WKID). 'authority' is typically either 'EPSG' or 'Esri'.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function FindUnitsByWKID ( _
    ByVal authority As String, _
    ByVal WKID As Integer _
) As IUnit
public IUnit FindUnitsByWKID (
    string authority,
    int WKID
  BSTR authority,
  long WKID,
  IUnit** ppU


authority   authority is a parameter of type BSTR WKID   WKID is a parameter of type long ppU [out, retval]

  ppU is a parameter of type IUnit

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Finds a predefined linear or angular unit of measure based on its OGP/EPSG well known identifier (WKID, also referred to as “factory code”). AuthorityName is optional. If specified, it is usually either "EPSG" or "ESRI", but can also be an arbitrary string. As with spatial references, only the WKID value is used to locate the predefined unit. The WKIDs for predefined linear and angular units are listed here: esriSRUnit2TypeesriSRUnitType.

The Unit returned is often used in other Geometry service methods such as Buffer. 

See Also

IGeometryServer Interface