Provides access to members that provide information about whether metadata can be edited.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Description | ||
![]() |
CanEditMetadata | Indicates if metadata can be edited. |
CoClasses that implement IMetadataEdit
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
AGSServerObjectName (esriGISClient) | A name object for ArcGIS Server Objects. |
CacheRasterDatasetName (esriCarto) | A raster dataset name for Globe and Map cache. |
CadastralFabric (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | A container for querying information about a cadastral fabric. |
CadastralFabricName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Esri Cadastral Fabric Name Object. |
CadDrawingName (esriDataSourcesFile) | Cad Drawing Name object |
CoverageFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesFile) | Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. |
CoverageName (esriDataSourcesFile) | Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. |
FeatureClassName | Esri Feature Class Name object. |
FeatureDatasetName | Esri Feature Dataset Name object. |
FgdbFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesGDB) | File GeoDatabase Feature Class Name object. |
FgdbTableName (esriDataSourcesGDB) | File GeoDatabase Table Name object. |
FunctionRasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A class for a function raster dataset. |
GeometricNetwork | Esri Geometric Network object. |
GeometricNetworkName | Esri Geometric Network Name object. |
GxAGSCatalog (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server data sharing object. |
GxAGSGeoDataServer (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geodataserver object. |
GxAGSGeometry (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geometry Server Service object. |
GxAGSGeoprocessing (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object. |
GxAGSGlobe (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
GxAGSImage (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Image Server Service object. |
GxAGSLocator (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server locator object. |
GxAGSMap (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server map object. |
GxAGSWMServer (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager object. |
GxCadDataset (esriCatalog) | A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset. |
GxCoverageDataset (esriCatalog) | A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset. |
GxDatabase (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a database. |
GxDataGraph (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents data graph. |
GxDataset (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a dataset. |
GxDiskConnection (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a disk connection. |
GxExcelFile (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a excel file. |
GxFeatureDefinitionPackage (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a feature definition package. |
GxFile (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a file. |
GxFolder (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a folder. |
GxGDSGeodatabase (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection. |
GxGeoprocessingResult (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a Geoprocessing Result. |
GxLayer (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a layer. |
GxMap (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a map. |
GxMetadata (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents an XML file. |
GxMSDFile (esriCatalogUI) | A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset. |
GxPackage (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a layer or map package. |
GxPCCoverage (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents PC Coverage. |
GxPrjFile (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents GxPrjFile. |
GxRasterDataset (esriCatalog) | A Gx Raster dataset. |
GxReport (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a report. |
GxSDCDataset (esriCatalog) | A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table. |
GxServiceDefinition (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a service definition. |
GxShapefileDataset (esriCatalog) | A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table. |
GxShortcut (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a shortcut to a GxObject. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later. |
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFile (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a spatial weights matrix file. |
GxStreetMapDataset (esriCatalog) | A StreetMap feature class. |
GxTextFile (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents the text file. |
GxTool (esriCatalog) | Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools. |
GxToolbox (esriCatalog) | Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes. |
GxVpfDataset (esriCatalog) | A VPF Feature Class. |
GxWorkspaceFolder (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents a workspace folder. |
IMSFeatureClass (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class. |
IMSFeatureService (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service. |
IMSImageMap (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Image Map. |
IMSMetadataService (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
IMSServiceName (esriGISClient) | The IMS Service Name. |
LasDatasetName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | The Esri LasDatasetName component. |
NetCDFRasterDatasetName (esriDataSourcesNetCDF) | A container for name information about a NetCDF raster dataset. |
NetworkDataset | A container for querying information about a network dataset. |
NetworkDatasetName | A container for describing this network dataset's name properties. |
ObjectClassName | Esri Object Class Name object. |
RasterBand (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk. |
RasterBandName | A container for name information about a raster band. |
RasterCatalogName | Esri RasterCatalog Name object. |
RasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A representation of a raster dataset on disk. |
RasterDatasetName | A container for name information about a raster dataset. |
RelationshipClassName | Esri Relationship Class Name object. |
SchematicDataset (esriSchematic) | Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset. |
SchematicDatasetName (esriSchematic) | Schematic dataset name object. |
SchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) | A schematic diagram object. |
SchematicDiagramClass (esriSchematic) | Schematic diagram class object. |
SchematicDiagramClassName (esriSchematic) | Schematic diagram class name object. |
SchematicDiagramName (esriSchematic) | Schematic diagram name object. |
SchematicElementClass (esriSchematic) | Schematic element class object. |
SchematicFolder (esriSchematic) | A schematic folder object. |
SchematicFolderName (esriSchematic) | Schematic folder name object. |
SchematicInMemoryFeatureClass (esriSchematic) | Schematic in memory feature class object. |
SearchResults (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents the search result. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later. |
TableName | Esri Table Name object. |
Terrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | The Esri Terrain component. |
TerrainName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Esri Terrain Name object. |
Tin | The Esri TIN component. |
TinName | The Esri TinName component. |
Topology | Esri Topology object. |
TopologyName | Esri Topology Name object. |