ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoAnalyst)  

IRasterModel Interface

Provides access to members that control the Raster Model.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method BindFeatureClass Binds a symbol to a FeatureClass.
Method BindRaster Binds a symbol to a Raster.
Method BindString Binds a symbol to a String.
Method BindTable Binds a symbol to a Table.
Read-only property BoundFeatureClass Finds the FeatureClass corresponding to a symbol.
Read-only property BoundRaster Finds the Raster corresponding to a symbol.
Read-only property BoundTable Finds the Table corresponding to a symbol.
Read-only property BoundUnknown Finds the interface pointer corresponding to a symbol.
Method Execute Produces a Raster by executing a script.
Write-only property Script The model script.
Method UnbindSymbol Unbinds a symbol.

CoClasses that implement IRasterModel

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterModel A mechanism that allows scripting of operations, and inclusion of non-raster input/output formats (feature data, tables, etc).


The RasterModel object is used to perform raster analysis using map algebra expressions and may include non-raster input/output formats (feature data, tables, etc). It also allows multiple lines of Map Algebra syntax to be used.


Steps to run a process using iRastermodel interface are as follows

  1. Declare rastermodel object
  2. Define the inputs into the expression using the "Bind..." methods
  3. Create a map algebra expression string using the Script property
  4. Execute the expression
  5. Specify the output from the expression to an object using the "Bound..." property
  6. Release the reference to the input/output data using the UnbindSymbol method 

.NET Related Topics

Executing a map algebra expression