ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoAnalyst)  

IRasterImportOp Interface

Provides access to members that control the import of raster formats. Note: the IRasterImportOp interface has been superseded byIRasterImportOp2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method ImportFromASCII Imports a GRID ASCII file into a RasterDataset.
Method ImportFromFLOAT Imports a Float GRID file into a RasterDataset.
Method ImportFromUSGSDEM Imports a USGS DEM file into a RasterDataset.

CoClasses that implement IRasterImportOp

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterConversionOp Esri raster conversion and import operations class.
