ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoAnalyst)  

IRasterAnalysisGDBEnvironment Interface

Provides access to members that control the environment for Geodatabase raster analysis.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property BuildPyramid Indicates if the pyramid building in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property CalculateStatistics Indicates if the statistics calculation in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property CompressionType The type and value of compression in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property ConfigurationKeyword The configuration keyword in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property GDBDomains The XY, Z and M domains in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property GlobeOptimized Indicates if the globe optimized type in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property IgnoredValue The ignored value in statistics calculation in RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property JpegQuality Jpeg compression quality in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property MosaicType The mosaic type in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property PyramidLevel The level in pyramid building in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property PyramidResampleType The resample type in pyramid building in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property TileHeight The GeoDatabase tile height in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property TileWidth The GeoDatabase tile width in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property XSkipFactor The skip factor in X direction in statistics calculation in the RasterAnalysis.
Read/write property YSkipFactor The skip factor in Y direction in statistics calculation in the RasterAnalysis.

CoClasses that implement IRasterAnalysisGDBEnvironment

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterAnalysis A collection of information about the raster analysis environment.
RasterConversionOp Esri raster conversion and import operations class.
RasterSettings (esriSpatialAnalystUI) Raster Settings object to hold seetings in an application.
RasterTransformationOp Esri Transformation operations class.


  • Read the Working with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst objects technical document for general information on implementing Spatial Analyst operations.