Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Desktop.
Description | ||
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AddChild | Adds a new child and returns a reference to it. However, if a duplicate already exists, the function returns the existing child instead. |
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AreChildrenViewable | Indicates if the objects children are available for viewing in the tree-view. |
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Children | An enumeration of the child objects. |
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DeleteChild | Deletes the specified child object. |
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HasChildren | Indicates if the object has any children. |
CoClasses that implement IGxObjectContainer
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
FDLDataSrc (esriDataInteropUI) | FDLDataSrc Class |
FDLRoot (esriDataInteropUI) | FDLRoot Class |
GxAGSConnection | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection. |
GxAGSDraftFolder | The Esri GxAGSDraftFolder object. |
GxAGSFolder | The Esri GxAGSFolder object. |
GxAGSGlobe | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
GxAGSGlobeLayer | GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
GxCadDataset | A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset. |
GxCatalog | GxObject that represents the catalog. |
GxCoverageDataset | A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset. |
GxDatabase | GxObject that represents a database. |
GxDatabaseServerFolder | Container for Database Servers. |
GxDataServer | The one and only Data Server object. |
GxDataset | GxObject that represents a dataset. |
GxDiskConnection | GxObject that represents a disk connection. |
GxExcelFile | GxObject that represents a excel file. |
GxFolder | GxObject that represents a folder. |
GxFolderConnections | Container of folder connections. |
GxGDSGeodatabase | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection. |
GxGISServersFolder | Container of GIS servers. |
GxMyHostedMapsFolder | Container of My Hosted Services. |
GxPCCoverage | GxObject that represents PC Coverage. |
GxRasterDataset | A Gx Raster dataset. |
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder | Container of remote database workspaces. |
GxSDCDataset | A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table. |
GxSpatialReferencesFolder | Container of spatial references (PRJ files). |
GxToolbox | Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes. |
GxToolboxesFolder | Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes. |
GxToolboxesRoot | Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node. |
GxToolset | Catalog object corresponding to toolsets. |
GxTrackingServerConnection (esriTrackingAnalystUI) | A Catalog wrapper for tracking server connections. |
GxVpfDataset | A VPF Feature Class. |
GxWCSConnection | The connection of WCS service. |
GxWMSConnection | The connection of WMS service. |
GxWMSMap | GxWMSMap object for the ArcCatalog. |
GxWMTSConnection | The connection of WMTS service. |
GxWorkspaceFolder | GxObject that represents a workspace folder. |
IMSConnection | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Connection. |
IMSFeatureClass | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class. |
IMSFeatureService | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service. |
IMSGlobeServiceDescription | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Globe File. |
IMSMetadataService | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
SearchResults | GxObject that represents the search result. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later. |
SearchResultsRoot | A container for search results. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later. |