Provides access to members that enumerate through GxObjects.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Desktop.
Description |
Next |
The next object. |
Reset |
Starts the enumeration at the beginning. |
CoClasses that implement IEnumGxObject
CoClasses and Classes |
Description |
EnumGxObject |
Provides access to a set of GxObjects. |
GxObjectArray |
GxObject that represents an array of GxObjects. |
.NET Samples
Utility wizard for basic schematic datasets configuration (Code Files:
GenerateSchematicTemplate) |
Custom GxObject (Code Files:
GxPyFactory) |
StreetMap routing (Code Files:
RoutingForm) |
Create an NDVI custom raster function (Code Files:
NDVICustomFunctionUIForm) |
Create a custom raster function (Code Files:
WatermarkFunctionUIForm) |
Tabbed feature inspector (Code Files:
.NET Related Topics
Catalog |