Create GSLines from the input line features or geometries. Use negative tolerance to use IConstructTolerance value.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function CreateLines ( _ ByVal pFeaturesOrGeometries As IArray, _ ByVal pSourceProjectionIfNull As IProjectedCoordinateSystem, _ ByVal pPlan As IGSPlan, _ ByVal pCF As ICadastralFabric, _ ByVal snapTolerance As Double, _ ByVal simplify As Boolean, _ ByVal pSourcePoints As ICadastralPoints, _ ByRef ppEnumLinesBroken As IEnumGSLines _ ) As String
[C#] public string CreateLines ( IArray pFeaturesOrGeometries, IProjectedCoordinateSystem pSourceProjectionIfNull, IGSPlan pPlan, ICadastralFabric pCF, double snapTolerance, bool simplify, ICadastralPoints pSourcePoints, ref IEnumGSLines ppEnumLinesBroken );
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Desktop.