Provides access to basic members of the scene.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.
Description |
AnimationExtension |
The animation extension containing tracks and environment settings. |
BasicDisplay |
The basic 3D display used by the scene. |
LoadAnimation |
Load the animation from a file. |
SaveAnimation |
Save the animation to a file. |
Inherited Interfaces
Interfaces |
Description |
IBasicScene |
Provides access to basic members of the scene. |
CoClasses that implement IBasicScene2
CoClasses and Classes |
Description |
Globe (esriGlobeCore) |
A container for the display and manipulation of data in the Globe. |
Scene |
A container for the display and manipulation of data. |
.NET Snippets
Create Animation AVI |
Create Animation from Path |
Create Animation from View |
Create Animation by Interpolating Between Two Keyframes |
Create Group Layer Animation |
Create Animation QuickTime
.NET Samples
Create camera flyby from path (Code Files:
.NET Related Topics
Animation |
Creating a layer animation in globe |
How to animate the camera along a path (line feature) in globe