ArcObjects Library Reference (3DAnalyst)  

IAnimationType Interface

Provides access to the animation type objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.


Read-only property AnimationObjectByID The animated object with the given ID.
Read-only property AnimationObjectID The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene.
Read-only property AnimationObjectName The name of the given object for animation purposes.
Read-only property AppliesToObject Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object.
Read-only property CLSID The class ID of the animation type.
Read-only property EnumPropertyMaxValue The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property.
Read-only property EnumPropertyMinValue The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property.
Read-only property EnumPropertyValueName The name of a value in an enumerated property.
Read-only property IsEnumProperty Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration.
Read-only property KeyframeCLSID The class ID of the associated keyframe.
Read-only property Name The name of the animation type.
Read-only property ObjectArray The array of objects of this type in the scene.
Read-only property PropertyCount The number of properties that can be animated.
Read-only property PropertyName The name of the properties that can be animated.
Read-only property PropertyType The type of the properties that can be animated.
Method ResetObject Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation.

CoClasses that implement IAnimationType

CoClasses and Classes Description
AnimationTypeCamera The Camera Animation Type coclass.
AnimationTypeGlobeCamera (esriGlobeCore) The globe camera animation coclass.
AnimationTypeGlobeLayer (esriGlobeCore) The globe layer animation coclass.
AnimationTypeLayer The Layer Animation Type coclass.
AnimationTypeScene The Scene Animation Type coclass.


One animation track is associated with an animation type, which could be one of the three built-in types (Camera, Layer, or Scene), or a type that's defined by the developer.  IAnimationType interface provides the properties and a method that can be used to manage an animation type.

.NET Samples

Animation in the GlobeControl (Code Files: Animation)