How to build an ArcGIS Web project in Eclipse

The ArcGIS for Server Web Application Developer Framework (ADF) plug-in for Eclipse provides several templates and projects to help you get started building applications and running samples. At ArcGIS 10, the ArcGIS for Server for JavaWeb ADF Project wizard experience was simplified. Subtle changes to the template naming structure and wizard workflow were made and are described in this topic. This topic explains how to create a Java Web ADF Web Mapping Application (WMA) through the Eclipse plug-in.

If you have not already installed the plug-ins, see Installing ArcGIS plug-ins.

Creating a Web ADF project

The following steps detail how to create an ArcGIS for Server for Java Web ADF project in Eclipse. This sample application displays a map, toolbar, table of contents, map overview, results, result details, and an empty task pane.
  1. There are many ways to start the wizard. The easiest is to use your keyboard and press Ctrl +N. Alternatively, you can use the Eclipse toolbar and select File>New>Project, or right-click in the Project Explorer and select New>Project. The New Project dialog box appears.
  2. Navigate the New Project wizard to ESRI Templates, select Web ADF>Web ADF Project, and click Next. See the following screen shot:

    The Dynamic Web Project page appears.
  1. Name your project, select your target runtime, accept the default configuration for your server runtime, then click Next. See the following screen shot:

    The ArcGIS Web Project page appears.
  2. Double-click the Add GIS Server icon to supply your own ArcGIS server credentials or click ArcGIS Server Internet to select a service from ArcGIS Online. See the following screen shot:

    The Add GIS Server dialog box appears.
  3. The Add GIS Server dialog box allows you to add multiple types of server connections ranging from an ArcGIS for Server local connection to OGC (WMS) Services. To use an ArcGIS for Server local connection, input valid server information for the GIS server host, user name, password, and domain. See the following screen shot:

    If you set your preferences from the toolbar menu at Window>Preferences>ArcGIS>Server, the connection information will be used by all Esri project windows.
  4. Select ArcGIS Server Internet to use the Web ADF Web Services connection to choose your service from a list of services made available through a Web service. See the following screen shot:

  5. Click OK to connect to the GIS server and see a list of valid services. Double-click service you want to use and the service will be added under Selected Services on the right side of the dialog box.

  6. Click Finish to build the project.

    The workbench will now show your newly created ArcGIS Web project in the Java EE perspective as shown in the following screen shot:

    Your application is now ready for deployment in a supported Web application server. 
  7. Right-click the project and select Run As>Run on Server to start the deployment wizard where you can choose the appropriate server for deployment. You can also now use this project to extend your application with a custom task or functionality.