/* Copyright 2012 ESRI * * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States * and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. * * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or * without modification, provided you include the original copyright * notice and use restrictions. * * See the use restrictions. * */ package arcgissamples.globe; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.AnimationTrack; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IAnimationTrack; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IAnimationTracks; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IAnimationType; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IKeyframe; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IScene; import com.esri.arcgis.analyst3d.IViewers3D; import com.esri.arcgis.beans.globe.GlobeBean; import com.esri.arcgis.globecore.AnimationTypeGlobeCamera; import com.esri.arcgis.globecore.AnimationTypeGlobeLayer; import com.esri.arcgis.globecore.GlobeCameraKeyframe; import com.esri.arcgis.globecore.IGlobeDisplay; import com.esri.arcgis.system.Array; import com.esri.arcgis.system.IArray; public class AnimationRunnable implements Runnable { private GlobeBean globeBean; private AnimationPanel animationPanel; public AnimationRunnable(GlobeBean globeBean, AnimationPanel animationPanel) { super(); this.globeBean = globeBean; this.animationPanel = animationPanel; } public void run() { //Play the animation based on the user settings try { IAnimationTracks tracks = (IAnimationTracks) this.globeBean.getGlobe(); IViewers3D viewers3D = this.globeBean.getGlobe().getGlobeDisplay(); // exit if document doesnt contain any animation tracks if (tracks.getTrackCount() == 0) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "The loaded globe document or animation file do not contain any frames.", "Cannot play animation", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } if (this.animationPanel.getRadioDuration().isSelected()) //play animation based on duration playAnimation(tracks, viewers3D); else if (this.animationPanel.getRadioIterations().isSelected()) //play animation based on iterations playAnimationFast(tracks, viewers3D); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void playAnimation(IAnimationTracks tracks, IViewers3D viewers3D) throws Exception { int numCycles = new Integer(this.animationPanel.getTxtCycle().getText()); int duration = new Integer(this.animationPanel.getTxtDuration().getText()); for (int i = 1; i <= numCycles; i++) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double elapsedTime; do { elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0; if (elapsedTime > duration) elapsedTime = duration; tracks.applyTracks(null, elapsedTime, duration); viewers3D.refreshViewers(); } while (elapsedTime < duration); } } private void playAnimationFast(IAnimationTracks sceneTracks, IViewers3D viewers3D) throws Exception { IScene scene = (IScene) sceneTracks; IArray trackGlbArray = new Array(); IArray trackLyrArray = new Array(); IAnimationTrack track; IAnimationTrack trackLayer; IAnimationTrack trackGlobe = null; IAnimationType animType; // IAnimationType animLayer; IAnimationType animGlobeCam = null; IKeyframe kFGlbCam; // IKeyframe kFGlbLayer; int k; int[] count = new int[1000]; // get each track from the scene and store traks of the same // kind in in an Array for (int i = 0; i <= sceneTracks.getTrackCount() - 1; i++) { track = (IAnimationTrack) sceneTracks.getTracks().getElement(i); k = i; animType = track.getAnimationType(); if (animType instanceof AnimationTypeGlobeLayer)// "{7CCBA704-3933-4D7A-8E89-4DFEE88AA937}") { // GlobeLayer trackLayer = new AnimationTrack(); trackLayer = track; trackLayer.setAnimationTypeByRef(animType); // kFGlbLayer = new GlobeLayerKeyframe(); // animLayer = animType; // Store the keyframe count of each track in an array count[i] = trackLayer.getKeyframeCount(); trackLyrArray.add(trackLayer); } else if (animType instanceof AnimationTypeGlobeCamera) // "{D4565495-E2F9-4D89-A8A7-D0B69FD7A424}") { // Globe Camera type trackGlobe = new AnimationTrack(); trackGlobe = track; trackGlobe.setAnimationTypeByRef(animType); kFGlbCam = new GlobeCameraKeyframe(); animGlobeCam = animType; // Store the keyframe count of each track in an array count[i] = trackGlobe.getKeyframeCount(); trackGlbArray.add(trackGlobe); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Animation Type " + animType.getName() + " Not Supported. Check if the animation file is valid.", "Cannot play animation", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } } double time = 0; int keyFrameLayerCount; int keyFrameCount; int cycles = new Integer(this.animationPanel.getTxtCycle().getText()); int iteration = new Integer(this.animationPanel.getTxtDuration().getText()); for (int i = 1; i <= cycles; i++) // no of cycles... { for (double start = 0; start <= iteration; start++) // no of // iterations... { for (k = 0; k <= trackGlbArray.getCount() - 1; k++) { trackGlobe = (IAnimationTrack) trackGlbArray.getElement(k); if (trackGlobe != null) { if (time >= trackGlobe.getBeginTime()) { keyFrameCount = trackGlobe.getKeyframeCount(); kFGlbCam = trackGlobe.getKeyframe(trackGlobe.getKeyframeCount() - keyFrameCount); // reset object animGlobeCam.resetObject(scene, kFGlbCam); // interpolate by using track trackGlobe.interpolateObjectProperties(scene, time); keyFrameCount = keyFrameCount - 1; } } } for (int t = 0; t <= trackLyrArray.getCount() - 1; t++) { trackLayer = (IAnimationTrack) trackLyrArray.getElement(t); if (trackLayer != null) { if (time >= trackLayer.getBeginTime()) { keyFrameLayerCount = trackLayer.getKeyframeCount(); // kFGlbLayer = trackLayer.getKeyframe(trackLayer // .getKeyframeCount() // - keyFrameLayerCount); // interpolate by using track trackLayer.interpolateObjectProperties(scene, time); keyFrameLayerCount = keyFrameLayerCount - 1; } } } // reset interpolation Point time = start / iteration; // refresh the globeviewer(s) ((IGlobeDisplay) viewers3D).refreshViewers(); } } } }