Deploying and undeploying SOEs

This topic walks you through the steps involved in deploying and undeploying a server object extension (SOE). At ArcGIS 10.1, an SOE is deployed and undeployed through ArcGIS Manager. ArcGIS for Desktop does not provide any tools to deploy or undeploy SOEs.

Deploying SOEs
  1. Log into Manager and go to Site -> Extensions page.
  1. Click the “Add Extension” button, browse to your newly created .soe file and click OK. The SOE will be registered with Server and listed on the “Extensions” page.
  1. The SOE will be registered and listed on the “Extensions” page.
Your SOE is now deployed to ArcGIS for Server.
Undeploying SOEs
  1. Log into Manager, and navigate to the “Site” -> “Extensions” page.
  1. Click the cross button next to the SOE you want to undeploy.

  1. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Your SOE is now undeployed from ArcGIS for Server. If this SOE was enabled on a map service that was running when you undeployed it, that service will be automatically restarted.

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Server Server