Setting raster properties when saving as a raster
ISaveAs can work with both a raster dataset and raster. If used on a raster dataset, the Save as function basically performs a format conversion. If used on a raster, the property of the raster can be modified.
To set a raster with a specific cell size, the row and column need to be adjusted. See the following:
static void setCellSizeAndExtentOnRaster(double cellSize, IEnvelope extent, IRaster
raster)throws Exception{
//Clip a raster or transform a raster; the cell size will be changed. To set a specified cell size for the output, you need to adjust the
//extent, row, and column accordingly.
//The cellSize is the output cell size of the raster.
//The extent is the output extent of the raster.
//The raster is the input raster.
//Calculate the height and width of the output raster.
int col = (int)((extent.getXMax() - extent.getXMin()) / cellSize);
int row = (int)((extent.getYMax() - extent.getYMin()) / cellSize);
//Adjust the extent.
IPoint lowerLeft = extent.getLowerLeft();
IPoint UpperRight = new Point();
IEnvelope newExtent = new Envelope();
UpperRight.setX(lowerLeft.getX() + col * cellSize);
UpperRight.setY(lowerLeft.getY() + row * cellSize);
//Then put the extent, height, and width.
IRasterProps rasterProps = new IRasterPropsProxy(raster);
//Save it.
ISaveAs saveAs = new ISaveAsProxy(rasterProps);
saveAs.saveAs("c:\\temp\\image1.img", null, "IMAGINE Image");
Setting a NoData value
To set a NoData value on a raster, use the following code:
static void setNoDataSaveAs(IRaster raster, IWorkspace ws, String sFormat, String
sName)throws Exception{
IRasterProps rasterProps = new IRasterPropsProxy(raster);
//For a multiband image, for example, three bands; and the NoData value for each band are not same.
int[] nodata = {
255, 255, 236
//Or if the raster has one band or NoData values for each band are the same, the following call can be used.
ISaveAs saveas = new ISaveAsProxy(raster);
saveas.saveAs(sName, ws, sFormat);
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