Transform 2D
/* Copyright 2012 ESRI
* All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
* and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
* You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
* without modification, provided you include the original copyright
* notice and use restrictions.
* See the use restrictions.
package arcgissamples.geometry;

import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.*;
import com.esri.arcgis.system.*;

 * Description : The code in this class demonstrates how to perform a geographic transformation for a collection of
 * points
public class Transform2D
  public Transform2D()

  public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("Starting ClipByEnvelope - An ArcObjects Java SDK Developer Sample");
      // Initialize the engine and licenses.

      AoInitialize aoInit = new AoInitialize();

      Transform2D t = new Transform2D();
    catch(Exception e)
   * This sample demonstrates how to perform a geographic transformation for a collection of points
   * (latitude/longitude) from OSGB1936 to WGS1984.
  private void transform() throws Exception
    // Create a spatial reference factory
    SpatialReferenceEnvironment pSpatRefFact = new SpatialReferenceEnvironment();

    // Create a GeocentricTranslation object for OSGB1936_to_WGS1984 using the factory.
    GeocentricTranslation pGT = (GeocentricTranslation) pSpatRefFact

    // How to get the parameters from the Geotransformation object
    double[] dx = new double[1];
    double[] dy = new double[1];
    double[] dz = new double[1];
    pGT.getParameters(dx, dy, dz);
    // How to get the from/to SpatialReferences that are supported by this geotransformation.
    ISpatialReference pFromGCS[] = new ISpatialReference[1];
    ISpatialReference pToGCS[] = new ISpatialReference[1];
    pGT.getSpatialReferences(pFromGCS, pToGCS);

    // Now use the Transform method - create a points collection
    Multipoint pPoints = new Multipoint();

    // Create point objects
    Point pPt1 = new Point();
    Point pPt2 = new Point();

    // Give XY coordinates to the points //First point
    pPt1.putCoords(1, 55); // Lon/Lat
    pPoints.addPoint(pPt1, null, null);

    // Give XY coordinates to the points //Second point
    pPt2.putCoords(2, 56); // Lon/Lat
    pPoints.addPoint(pPt2, null, null);

    for (int i = 0; i < pPoints.getPointCount(); i++)
      System.out.println("LON " + pPoints.getPoint(i).getX() + " LAT " + pPoints.getPoint(i).getY());

    // Make the call - note the direction and the geotrans object are all that are needed
    pPoints.transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, pGT);
    // Output the results
    System.out.println("Results using Transform...");
    for (int i = 0; i < pPoints.getPointCount(); i++)
      System.out.println("LON " + pPoints.getPoint(i).getX() + " LAT " + pPoints.getPoint(i).getY());
   * Initializes the lowest available ArcGIS License
  private static void initializeArcGISLicenses(AoInitialize aoInit)
      if (aoInit.isProductCodeAvailable(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeEngine) == esriLicenseStatus.esriLicenseAvailable)
      else if (aoInit.isProductCodeAvailable(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic) == esriLicenseStatus.esriLicenseAvailable)
        System.err.println("Could not initialize an Engine or Basic License. Exiting application.");
    catch (Exception e)