How to set SceneControl properties

This topic shows how the various properties of the SceneControl can be set by clicking a button using the Java Property Editor and the Properties window in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). The Java Property Editor is one of the simple and convenient interfaces the ArcGIS Engine software development kit (SDK) provides for developers. It allows you to set the visual properties and initialize the scene document during design time.

Setting SceneControl properties

Do the following to set SceneControl properties:
  1. Create an ArcGIS Engine project in the Eclipse IDE using SceneControl. For more information, see How to build an application in Eclipse using visual beans. The following screen shot shows an example JFrame in design mode:

  2. Right-click the ESRI SceneControl and click Customize Java Bean. The Java Property Editor dialog box appears. The visual properties of the SceneControl, such as border style, appearance, mouse pointer, and ToolTip style can be set using the Java Property Editor. (To change the background color, click the Color tab on the Java Property Editor dialog box and choose a color.) See the following screen shot:

  3. On the Java Property Editor dialog box, click the General tab. The following table explains the other areas that can be selected under the General tab:
SceneControl methods
Default value
Indicates whether the SceneControl can respond to user generated events.
Indicates if the SceneControl performs default scene navigation in response to mouse events.
Override Document BackColor
Indicates whether to override the background color of the scene document.
Arrow Key Intercept
A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted, the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called.
Show Scene Tips
Determines whether scene tips display (if they exist) as the mouse pointer hovers over layer features.
Scene Document
The file name of the last scene document loaded into the control.
  1. Do the following to set the Scene Document property on the Java Property Editor dialog box for the SceneControl:
    1. Click the Open folder icon. The Open dialog box appears.
    2. On the Open dialog box, browse to the folder containing the scene document.
    3. Select the applicable document, then click Open. The file path of your selected document shows in the Scene Document text field.

      Alternatively, the properties of the SceneControl can also be set using the Properties window in the Eclipse IDE. See the following screen shot:

The SceneControl properties can be modified using the Java Property Editor dialog box and the Properties window in the Eclipse IDE.

See Also:

SceneControl class
How to build an application in Eclipse using visual beans

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