In this topic
- About create and consume custom C++ and COM components
- Write an ArcGIS Engine extension in C++ and COM
About create and consume custom C++ and COM components
ArcGIS Java application programming interfaces (APIs) provide Java proxies for ArcObjects COM components, allowing ArcObjects to be accessed through Java. It can be useful to extend ArcObjects using custom COM components, and to programmatically access the extensions through Java. This can be useful in the following situations:
- Boosting performance of ArcGIS Server Java to extend ArcGIS Server with custom COM components that make heavy use of fine-grained ArcObjects method calls. Having a COM component on the ArcGIS Server tier perform multiple fine-grained ArcObjects method calls leads to a performance boost, as multiple round-trip calls from the Web-tier to the ArcGIS Server over the network are replaced by a single call to the custom COM component, which in turn makes multiple in-process calls.
- Achieving high-performance ArcGIS Engine applications that make heavy use of fine-grained ArcObjects method calls. Writing and calling a coarse-grained custom COM component that subsumes the many fine-grained ArcObjects calls, heavily reduces the interoperability overhead between Java and ArcObjects in an ArcGIS Engine application, thus improving performance.
- Integrating legacy or third-party components written in a native, COM compliant language, into a geographic information system (GIS) application. These components can offer functionality orthogonal to the GIS domain but might need to feature in the workflow of a GIS application, working with ArcObjects.
Write an ArcGIS Engine extension in C++ and COM
This topic demonstrates the writing of a custom coarse-grained COM component that performs the task of calculating the total area of all polygon features in a feature class. A Java application then uses the custom coarse-grained component to execute the task at the expense of just one method call, rather than performing several interop calls between Java and ArcObjects.
Write the extension
The following code example is essentially a COM component that implements one interface, which exposes the CalculateTotalArea method. The code example is located in the ARCGISHOME\java\samples\data\proxygen folder. A snippet of the .idl file is shown as follows:
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
[uuid(3760A0D0 - A56C - 4C19 - A3ED - 9D3DF225632D), version(1.0), helpstring(
"ArcGISExtension 1.0 Type Library")] library ARCGISEXTENSIONLib{
[object, uuid(B9CC08B8 - 98F4 - 4EBD - A267 - A0750BDE9A8E),
helpstring("IAGSExtension Interface"), pointer_default(unique)] interface
IAGSExtension: IUnknown{
[helpstring("method CalculateTotalArea")] HRESULT CalculateTotalArea([in]
IFeatureClass * fc, [out, retval] double * result);
[uuid(EE2820F3 - F9F1 - 4826-9C22 - 20CFC7D9950A), helpstring(
"AGSExtension Class")] coclass AGSExtension{
[default] interface IAGSExtension;
The .idl file imports the esriGeodatabase.olb type library to obtain the definition of the IFeatureClass interface that the CalculateTotalArea method receives as input. The definition of the method that performs the calculation of feature areas is described in the following code example:
STDMETHODIMP CAGSExtension: : CalculateTotalArea(IFeatureClass * pFeatureClass,
double * result){
esriGeometryType type;
pFeatureClass - > get_ShapeType(&type);
if (type != esriGeometryPolygon)
return 0;
long numFeatures = 0;
pFeatureClass - > FeatureCount(NULL, &numFeatures);
IFeature * pFeature = 0;
IGeometry * pShape = 0;
IArea * pArea = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++){
pFeatureClass - > GetFeature(i, &pFeature);
pFeature - > get_Shape(&pShape);
pShape - > QueryInterface(&pArea);
double area = 0;
pArea - > get_Area(&area);
* result += area;
pFeature - > Release();
pShape - > Release();
pArea - > Release();
return S_OK;
The preceding COM component was built using the Visual Studio 6 integrated development environment (IDE). The effort to port the project to later versions of the Visual Studio development environment should be minimal.
Generate Java proxies using proxygen
After writing and building the custom COM extension, generate Java proxies for the extension using proxygen. The type library information is used by proxygen, which is produced while building the custom COM component to generate Java proxies. As described in the proxygen tool instructions, proxygen needs to be supplied with a text file that contains information in the following format:
<COM type library location>, <java package name>, <java proxies’ location>
The text file used to generate proxies for the custom COM extension demonstrated in this topic, contains the following information:
C:\proxygen\ArcGISExtension\ArcGISExtension.tlb, agsextension,
Run the proxygen tool from the console, supplied with the text file. See the following screen shot:

If the Java proxies were generated successfully, a Success message displays.
Consume the extension from a Java application
Once Java proxies for the custom COM component are generated successfully, add the proxies to an existing Java ArcGIS Engine project within an IDE so the custom component can be consumed. The following Java code example shows how this is done:
// Initialize the engine and perform licensing.
AoInitialize ao = new AoInitialize();
// Open a shapefile workspace and obtain a feature class.
IWorkspaceFactory shpFileWSFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactory();
IFeatureWorkspace shpFileWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)shpFileWSFactory.openFromFile(
"C:/Data/World", 0);
IFeatureClass featureClass = shpFileWS.openFeatureClass("Country");
// Consume the custom extension for calculating the total area of all features.
AGSExtension agsExtension = new AGSExtension();
double totalArea = agsExtension.calculateTotalArea(featureClass);
System.out.println("The total area of all features is " + totalArea);
The sample application calculated the total area of 3,140 polygon features representing all the counties in the United States. An 18 percent improvement in the running time resulted when the application used the custom extension to perform the task, as compared to not using it and making all fine-grained calls through the interoperability layer.
Although not demonstrated here, writing a custom extension to the ArcGIS Server and consuming it through a Java client over the network is similar to the steps involved in extending ArcGIS Engine.