Provides access to functions to return information about a renderer.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.
Description | ||
![]() |
CanRenderStatus | Determines the renderer status following a call to CanRender, CanRenderFeature or CanRenderTacticalElement. |
CoClasses that implement IRendererInfo
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
AreaObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
AreaObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Areas2525B | Renders some of the 2525B areal tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Arrows2525B | Renders three point polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics. |
Boundaries2525B | Renders polylines as 2525B boundary tactical graphics. |
C2GMAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
C2GMLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
C2GMPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
CSSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
CSSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
CSSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
FLOT2525B | Renders polylines as Forward Lines of Own Troops and related 2525B tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
ForceElement2525BRenderer | Renders one or more features as MIL-STD 2525B compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list. |
ForceElementAPP6ARenderer | Renders one or more features as NATO APP-6A compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list. |
FSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSAreasChange1 | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSLinesChange1 | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSPointsChange1 | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
LineObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
LineObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Lines2525B | Renders some of the 2525B linear tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
METOCAreasChange1 | Renders area tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCLinesChange1 | Renders line tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCPointsChange1 | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
MSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MultipointArrows | Renders polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics, using the last point to define the back of the arrow head. |
OtherLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading. |
OtherPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading. |
PointObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
PointObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Points2525B | Renders some of the 2525B point tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
SwoopArrows | Renders selected 2525B arrows using curved lines. |
TacticalGraphic2525BRenderer | Renders all 2525B tactical graphics. |
TacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer | Renders all APP6 tactical graphics. |
TaskAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
TaskLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
TaskPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
Renderers can't always render the feature or military object supplied. When a renderer fails to render an input its status can be queried to determine why.