ArcObjects Library Reference (TrackingAnalyst)  

TrackingAnalyst Library Contents

The TrackingAnalyst library implements the non-user interface functionality of the Tracking Analyst extension to ArcMap. The Tracking Analyst extension supports the display, analysis, and manipulation of temporal data within ArcGIS.


Interface Description
IActionCollection2 Provides access to the methods and properties needed to manage a collection of actions.
IActionEdit Provides access to the methods and properties needed to edit the properties of an action.
IActionEvaluate Provides access to the integration or hook interfaces that allow the ActionBase coclass to be aggregated. This interface allows the base action to call the parent to perform its activity.
IActionEvents Provides access to event sinks to let listeners know when major events are transpiring on a given action.
IActionGEN Provides access for all languages to properties and methods needed to manage general actions settings and funcationality.
IActionHelper Provides access to methods that allow actions to be set up using simple base objects instead of setting up several properties.
IActionLookupSources Provides access to properties and methods needed to create the lookup table values from the file or geodatabase sources.
IActionLookupSupport Provides access to properties and methods needed to support lookup table.
IActionSetup Provides access to read-only properties of an action. This interface allows the base action to be set up by a parent action object.
IActionUpdate Provides access to properties and methods to initialize and update tracking actions.
IAMSWorkspace Provides access to properties and methods needed to control and manage in the tracking workspace.
IArguments Provides access to methods and properties used to manage arguments in a message.
IArrivingLocationTrigger Provides access to the action's location trigger specifically for the geometrical arriving (entering) or departing (exited) a polygon.
IATLWizardHelper Provides access to properties and methods that allows java script to detect the ArcGIS install directory.
ICCAHelper Provides access to functionality for the coordinate conversion action.
IClientConnection Provides access to methods and properties implemented by datalinks and consumed by the Tracking Server.
ICOMClient Provides access to methods and properties implemented by datalinks and consumed by the Tracking Server.
ICOMClient2 Provides access to methods and properties implemented by datalinks and consumed by the Tracking Server.
ICommandMessage Provides access to methods and properties used to build command messages issuing command requests to the Tracking Server or any connected data links.
IConditionalActionConfigure Provides access to properties and methods for the parent dialog of this Active X component to set the action to edit and control when to update the action.
IConditionalActionSetup Provides access to properties and methods needed to gather Conditional Action Setup information.
IConnection Provides access to methods and properties implemented by datalinks and consumed by the Tracking Server.
IConnectionStatistics Provides access to message statistics.
ICoordinateConversionAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage coordinate conversion actions.
ICrossingLocationTrigger Provides access to the action's location trigger specifically for the geometrical crossing of a polyline or a polygon border.
IDataModificationAction Provides access to properties and methods needed for the Data Modification actions.
IDataPartitionAction Provides access to properties and methods needed for the Data Partition (server) actions.
IDatasetColumn Provides access to methods and properties needed to define the contents of a dataset definition's data column.
IDatasetColumnEnumerator Provides access to methods to help manage data column-related enumerators.
IDatasetDef Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage a dataset definition.
IDatasetDef2 Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage a dataset definition.
IDatasetDef3 Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage a dataset definition.
IDatasetDefAdmin Provides access to a hidden interface used to lock the ID of the datadefinition.
IDataSummaryAction IDataSummaryAction Interface
IDirectionalVectorRendererProperties Provides access to the properties which govern the directional vector rendering.
IDiscoverActions Provides access to properties and methods to determine entire set of actions that might be related to proximity trigger rules.
IEditDataSetColumn Provides access to methods and properties used to edit Data Definitions.
IEmailAlertAction Provides access to properties and methods needed for the Email Alert actions.
IEmailProperties Provides access to properties and methods needed to support Email Alert actions.
IEmailPropertiesDialog Provides the dialog to access and edit the properties associated with the Email Alert action.
IEnhancedInfoRenderer Provides access to methods and properties to support symbolizing temporal based features with attribute and spatial information. This renderer is in addition to using the standard event and track renderers.
IEnumTxObject Provides access to properties and methods needed to iterate through a enumeration or list of Catalog objects.
IEventAttributeProperties Provides access to members that control text rendering behavior using event attributes.
IEventRenderer Provides access to an interface that identifies renderers that cannot provide symbols but can render to a display.
IEventRenderer2 Provides access to properties that support rendering specific event IDs or feature IDs, in coordination with the StepTool.
IFilterAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage filter action.
IGatewayStatistics Manages requests of gateway statistics.
IGeneralLibraryObject Provides access to methods and properties used with the general library object.
IGMLConversion Provides access to members for managing GML conversion.
IHighlightSuppressionRenderer Provides access to methods and properties needed to get Highlight/Suppression action information.
IInternetServerConnection Provides access to properties and methods needed to help manage Internet server connections.
ILabelEngineManager2 Provides access to methods and properties needed to define functionality of the label engine manager.
ILabelEngineManager3 Provides access to methods and properties needed to define functionality of the label engine manager.
ILastKnownRenderer Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the renderer for last known events.
ILayerQueryBuilder Provides access to properties and methods for the layer query builder.
ILibraryItem Provides access to methods and properties used by the TMS server during the storage and retrieval of configuration items within its configuration database.
ILibraryItem2 Provides methods and properties used by the TMS server during the storage and retrieval of configuration items within its configuration database.
ILibraryObject Provides access to members that help manage library objects.
ILocationQueryHelper Provides access to methods and properties to help determine if a geometry is topologically related to a location geometry.
ILocationTriggerAdmin Provides access to properties and methods needed to configure location triggers for tracking actions.
IMessage Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage messages.
IMessageTemplate Provides access to properties and methods needed to support actions that use strings containing message field values.
IMetaDataEditor Provides access to properties that the standard message def editor uses to control how meta data is processed.
IMoleEventRenderer Provides access to properties specific to the MOLE event renderer object family.
IPlugin Provides access to methods and properties that data links provide to the Tracking Server so they can be consumed by the Tracking Server.
IPlugInConfigure Provides access to methods and properties needed to configure and manage server based data links.
IPropSet Provides access to members for managing a PropSet.
IProximityLocationTrigger Provides access to properties and methods needed to configure proximity location triggers which are applicable inter-temporal layers.
IQueryBuilder Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage query builder settings and functionality.
IRecipientContainer Provides access to properties and methods to manage the collection of email addresses of recipients of the action's Email Alerts.
IResponseMessage Provides access to methods and properties used to access responses from the Tracking Server or datalinks in which a command was issued.
IServAction Provides access to methods and properties needed to identify and manage tracking server based actions.
IServer Provides access to properties and methods to help manage processes in the Tracking Server.
IServerConnection Provides access to the methods and properties for a connector object to connect to a Tracking Server.
IServerConnection2 Provides access to the methods and properties for a connector object to connect to a Tracking Server.
IServerConnectionAdmin Provides access to the methods and properties for a connector object to Fire Events in a thread safe manner.
IServerConnectionAOI Provides access to the area of interest associated with a service.
ISimpleTrackingLabelRenderer Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the renderer for simple tracking labels.
IStatusMessage Provides access to methods and properties used to manage status message parameters.
ITagAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the tag action.
ITAProtectedNames2 Provides access to properties of an internally used object.
ITAUpdateControl Provides access to methods needed to manage the dynamic updating of events drawn in ArcMap.
ITemplateEditorDialog Provides the dialog to access and edit message templates used for message bodies for actions.
ITemplateEditorDialog2 Provides the dialog to access and edit message templates used for message bodies for actions.
ITemporalChartElement Provides properties and methods needed to manage elements of the data clock chart.
ITemporalFeatureClass Provides access to properties that allow the temporal column to be identified within a feature class and to set the TemporalObjectColumn name.
ITemporalGraph Identifies an object as a temporal graph.
ITemporalGraphs Provides properties and methods needed to manage temporal graphs for the data clock.
ITemporalLayer Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal layer functionality.
ITemporalLayer3 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal layer functionality.
ITemporalLegendClass Provides access to properties to manage temporal ranges.
ITemporalLegendClass2 Provides access to properties to manage temporal ranges.
ITemporalLegendGroup Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the temporal legend group of classes.
ITemporalLegendGroup2 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the temporal legend group of classes.
ITemporalOperator2 Provides access to methods and properties used to configure the temporal operator.
ITemporalOperator3 Provides access to additional methods and properties used to configure the temporal operator beyond ITemporalOperator2 and ITemporalOperator.
ITemporalReference Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal reference information for a dataset.
ITemporalRenderer Provides access to methods and properties needed to apply symbology with temporal color as well as standard Esri symbology.
ITemporalRenderer2 Provides access to properties specific to additional temporal rendering capabilities.
ITemporalRendererNotify Provides access to notification states for the parent temporal renderer to notify the children renderers about rendering events.
ITemporalRendererPropPage Provides access to members needed to set defaults in Symbology property pages.
ITextMarkerSymbol Provides access to properties specific to the text marker symbol.
ITimeControl Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage Playback Manager functions.
ITimeControl2 Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage Playback Manager functions.
ITimeControlBase Provides access to properties of the time control base.
ITimeRegionalSettings Provides access to properties and methods needed to change the parsing behavior of a string temporal field. These properties and methods are not used for date type temporal fields and this information is not used for realtime data sources.
ITimeZone ITimeZone Interface provides properties and methods to select a time zone and do time conversions.
ITMSUtilCallbacks Provides access to restricted interface for methods to define connection and data link information.
ITMSUtilPage Provides access to properties and methods to help manage and implement the Tracking Server configuration utility.
ITrackingDisplay Provides access to properties and methods to gain access to contained objects within the tracking mediated display object.
ITrackingEngineUtil Provides access to properties and methods for tracking engine utility.
ITrackingEngineUtil2 Provides access to properties and methods for tracking engine utility.
ITrackingEnvironment Provides access to properties and methods used to control the tracking analyst extension.
ITrackingEnvironment2 Provides access to properties and methods used to control the tracking analyst extension.
ITrackingEnvironment3 Provides access to properties and methods used to control the tracking analyst extension.
ITrackingGlobeLayerLeaderLines Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage tracking globe layer leader lines.
ITrackingLabel Provides access to properties and methods for controlling tracking labels.
ITrackingLabelDraw Provides access to methods for drawing dynamically changing labels.
ITrackingLabelEngine Provides access to properties and methods for controlling the tracking label engine used for dynamically changing labels.
ITrackingLabelEngine2 Provides access to properties and methods for controlling the tracking label engine used for dynamically changing labels.
ITrackingLayerLabels Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the tracking layer labels in the map display.
ITrackingServiceComplexData Provides access to support for requesting complex tracking services object data.
ITrackingServiceDef2 Provides access to properties that define a tracking service.
ITrackingTextLabel Provides access to properties and methods for controlling tracking text labels.
ITrackRenderer Provides access to properties specific to temporal track rendering capabilities.
ITrackSymbologyRenderer Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage the temporal symbology rendering of events.
ITxActiveTrack Provides the ability to set and work with an active track.
ITxCatalog Provides access to properties and methods needed to use the CJMTK catalog object natively, aka GUI less.
ITxCatalogDialog Provides access to properties and methods needed to use the CJMTK Catalogs Navigation Dialog.
ITxCatalogObject Provides access to properties and methods common to all Catalog objects.
ITxConnectionMessages Provides access to the methods and properties for a connector object to retrieve messages from a live data source.
ITxConnectorEvents Provides access to methods that provide notification about tracking connection events.
ITxConnectorSetup Provides access to the methods and properties to setup a tracking connection.
ITxDataset Provides access to properties that identify the Catalog Object as belonging to a dataset name and provides that type.
ITxDiagnostics Provides access to diagnostic logs and error messages.
ITxDocEventHandler Provides access to properties and methods for document event handling.
ITxDocEventHandler2 Provides access to properties and methods for document event handling.
ITxDocumentEvents Provides access to events that occur in documents with tracking analyst objects.
ITxFolderObject Provides access to properties that identify where the Folder object is located.
ITxGISServerFolder Provides access to an interface definition that identifies that an object is also a TxGISServerFolder object.
ITxHideFeatures Provides options to hide specified features.
ITxHighlightFeatures Provides options to highlight specified features.
ITxHighlightSettings Provides access to highlight symbols.
ITxHighlightTracks Provides options to highlight specified tracks.
ITxObjectContainer Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage a container of CJMTK Catalog Objects.
ITxObjectEdit Provides access to Support for Editing a Tx Catalog object. If this Interface is supported by an object, the catalog dialog double click navigation action will invoke this interfaces Invoke method.
ITxObjectFilter Provides access to allow objects to filter the contents of the Tracking Catalog.
ITxObjectProperties Provides access to properties that return the image associated with a catalog object.
ITxObjectPropertiesGEN Provides access to properties that return the image associated with a catalog object.
ITxRendererSetup Provides access to the layer and feature class the renderer is assigned to.
ITxRootLevelCatalogObject Provides access to Indicates if a catalog object is a root level object.
ITxSpatialReferenceChooser Provides access to method to display the spatial reference chooser.
ITxSymbolSelector Provides access to engine symbology control.
IUniqueValueTextRenderer Provides access to methods and properties that support using text for symbolizing temporal events.
IVisualBasicAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage custom Visual Basic actions.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ActionBase This class serves as a base tracking action foundation that can be used to build or aggregate new tracking actions.
ActionCollection The Action Collection object is a container of actions.
ActionEnvironment Manager of lookup tables and other environmental action properties.
ActionLookupSources Contains the sources for lookup tables.
ActionProcessor The Action Processor object processes all actions in the main actioncollection and children.
AddSDEConnection The AddSDEConnection object allows a user to create a new SDE connection.
AMSDatasetName Controls the settings for the tracking dataset names.
AMSWorkspace Controls the Tracking Server workspace COM object's properties.
AMSWorkspaceFactory Controls functionality for the tracking workspace factory.
ArrivingLocationTrigger Controls the implementation of the action's location trigger for the geometrical arriving (entering) or departing (exited) a polygon.
ATLWizardHelper ATL Class Wizard Helper that allows java script to detect the ArcGIS install directory.
CoCCAHelper Helps in marshalling geometry objects to improve performance.
CoLocationQueryHelper Helps in marshalling geometry objects to improve performance.
CommandMessage Message containing commands for the Tracking Server.
ConditionalActionConfigure Manage the properties associated with conditional actions.
ConditionalActionHelper This class serves as a base tracking action configuration foundation object that can be used to build or aggregate new tracking action configuration dialogs.
CoTrackSymbologyRenderer Symbolizes temporal based features and tracks in order to identify temporal feature characteristics in relation to the temporal reference.
CrossingLocationTrigger Controls the implementation of the action's location trigger for the geometrical crossing of a polyline or a polygon border.
DataMessage Message containing data routed by the Tracking Server.
DataModificationAction Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Modification actions.
DataPartitionAction Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Partition (server) actions.
DatasetColumn Defines single column in a dataset definition.
DataSetDefinition Defines data structure for a data message.
DatasetNames Controls settings for dataset names.
Datasets Controls functionality relating to datasets.
DataSummaryAction Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Summary Action
DirectionalVectorRendererProperties Contains the properties required to perform directional vector rendering.
DocEventHandler A collection of methods and properties to catch and process document and tracking analyst document events.
EmailAlertAction Controls the properties and methods needed for the Email Alert actions.
EmailPropertiesDialog Controls the Email Alert properties dialog.
EnhancedInfoRenderer Symbolizes temporal based features with attribute and spatial information; this renderer is in addition to using the standard event and track renderers.
EventAttributeProperties A holding component for event attribute properties.
FilterAction Controls settings and functionality for the filter action.
GeneralLibraryObject Implements IGeneralLibraryObject interface used with the general library object.
GeneralTrackingConnector Base Class for Tracking Workspace connector objects. This class is aggregated by the Tracking Workspace connector wizard.
GMLConverter Converts data to GML format.
HighlightSuppressionAction Controls settings and functionality for the highlight/suppression action.
InternetConnection Manages an Internet server connection.
LabelEngine Controls functionality of the label engine.
LabelEngineManager Controls functionality of the label engine manager.
Listener Provides the mechanism for the realtime feeds to notify the dynamic controller when to update the screen.
MessageTemplate Controls the properties and methods needed to support Email message content for the Email Alert actions.
ObjectList A container class to hold relevant objects (e.g., server connection, actions, feature class).
PlugIn Base class for data links for Tracking Server.
PlugInConfigure Implements IPlugInConfigure interface to configure and manage server based data links.
PropSet Defines set of properties for data.
ProximityLocationTrigger Controls the implementation of a proximity location trigger which can perform across multiple real-time point temporal feature classes.
QueryBuilder Controls functionality for the custom query builder for actions.
RecipientContainer Manages the collection of email addresses of recipients of the action's Email Alerts.
ResponseMessage Implements IResponseMessage interface to access responses from the Tracking Server or datalinks in which a command was issued..
ServerConnection Manages connection to Tracking Server.
StatusMessage Message reporting status to the Tracking Server.
TADynamicDisplayRefreshController Manages all dynamic updates to all of ArcMap's maps, both in the map view and the page layout view.
TagAction Controls settings and functionality for the tag action.
TemplateEditorDialog Controls the Email Alert's template properties dialog.
TemporalCursor Controls settings for the temporal cursor.
TemporalFeature Controls properties of the Temporal Feature object.
TemporalFeatureClass Controls settings for the temporal feature class.
TemporalFeatureLayer Defines the coclass IDL parameters and attributes of the TemporalFeatureLayer COM object.
TemporalLayerEnum A container for providing temporal layers.
TemporalLayerFactory A factory for creating temporal layers.
TemporalLayerPropertyPage Defines the COM coclass parameters for the TemporalLayerPropertyPage COM object.
TemporalLegendClass Controls settings for individual temporal class, such as time window period and offset.
TemporalLegendGroup Contains group of two or more temporal legend classes.
TemporalOperator Implements ITemporalOperator to identify and manage temporal playback settings.
TemporalQueryFilter Controls properties for the temporal query filter.
TemporalRecordSet Defines the COM coclass for the TemporalRecordSet COM object.
TemporalReference Maintains temporal perspective on data and notifies all clients when the value changes.
TextMarkerSymbol Class used to create a text marker symbol used to symbolize point geometries.
TMS_MarshalHelper Internal class used within TMS Server to Help marshal Esri Geometry objects.
TMSEnumIDs Controls the tracking selection ID enumerator.
TMSSelectSet Controls the tracking selection set.
TrackingEngineUtil A general purpose Utility object for Tracking Analyst that provides a common way to access and determine the processing environment.
TrackingEnvironment Provides a storage area for global Tracking environment objects.
TrackingLabel Controls settings for tracking labels.
TrackingServiceDef Defines a tracking service in a server connection.
TxCatalog This class provides a GUI less catalog of structured objects that allow the navigation of a system to discover GIS data sources.
TxCatalogDialog This object provides a Dialog that can be used to graphically browse for GIS data.
TxCatalogObject This object is a general purpose wrapper object around Esri name objects. This object provides the properties and methods needed to uniformly use the name objects in the CJMTK Catalog.
TxEnumObjects This object provides the implementation for an enumeration of TxCatalogObjects.
TxFolderCatalogObject The TxFolderCatalogObject provides a container for CJMTK Catalog Objects much like a directory folder does to a filesystem.
TxGeoDBFilter The TxGeoDBFilter sets up an object filter to be used by CxCatalogDialog.
TxGISServerFolder This object contains a set of SDE connections and a command object allowing the user to create an SDE connection.
TxMaps TxMaps is a container class that holds a list or array of objects implementing IMap.
TxObjectContainer This object serves as a general purpose container of CJMTK Catalog objects.
TxSpatialReferenceChooser This class implements a dialog that allows a user to choose a predefined spatial reference.
TxSymbolSelector Symbol picker.
UniqueValueTextRenderer This is a feature renderer that supports rendering points using values from a field in the feature class.


Structure Description


Enumeration Description
cjmktCatalogErrors CJMTK Catalog Error Codes.
enumActionAppType Application Type for Action Property Page.
enumActionProcessingType The type of data currently being processed by the action.
enumAMServercommands TMS Server Commands
enumCatalogAction Catalog Action Enumerations.
enumColumnType Indicates the type of column used in a data definition.
enumConnectionStatus Indicates status of the Tracking Server connection.
enumDefaultDateFormat Default Date Format Options.
enumDirection TimeControl Play Direction.
enumEmailPropertyMode Email property mode.
enumFilter Action Subtype for Filter Action.
enumInfinity Default value to indicate an 'infinite' period for temporal values.
enumPlaybackNudgeMethod Playback Nudge Method Enum.
enumPlaybackTemporalMode TimeControl Temporal Mode.
enumResponseStatus Indicates the status of a Tracking response message.
enumScreenUpdateThresholdType Realtime Screen Update Methods.
enumScreenUpdateType Screen Refresh Options.
enumSummaryType Data summary action types.
enumTemplateSourceType Template Source Type for Email Alert Action.
enumTemporalFieldType Temporal Field Type Options.
enumTemporalLegendType Temporal Legend Types.
enumTemporalMode Temporal Modes.
enumTemporalOffsetType Temporal Offset Options.
enumTemporalSymbolizationMethod Temporal Symbolization Options.
enumTemporalUnits Temporal Units.
enumTimeControlStatus TimeControl Status Enum.
enumTrackingEnv Tracking Environment Enumerations.
esriTrackingElevatedLineStyle Tracking elevated line style.
esriTxServiceAOI Service Area Of Interest Type.
tascActionProcessorHCodes Action Processor Return Codes.
tascGSDCoreError esriTrackingCore Error Codes.
tascTemporalLayerError Temporal Layer Error Codes.
tascTMSWorkspaceError TMS Workspace Error Codes.
tascTMSWorkspaceSuccess TMS Workspace Success Codes.
tascTrackingAnalystErrors Tracking Analyst General Error Codes.