ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

IExtensionManager Interface

Provides access to members that query extension.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Extension The extension at the specified index.
Read-only property ExtensionCLSID The CLSID of the extension at the specified index.
Read-only property ExtensionCount The number of extensions loaded in the application.
Method FindExtension Finds the extension by CLSID (IUID) or name (String).

CoClasses that implement IExtensionManager

CoClasses and Classes Description
Application (esriArcCatalog) Esri ArcCatalog Application.
Application (esriArcGlobe) Esri ArcGlobe Application.
Application (esriArcMap) Esri ArcMap Application
Application (esriArcScene) The 3D Modeling Application.
DddEnvironment (esri3DAnalystUI) 3D Environment singleton object.
Editor (esriEditor) The Object Editor Extension.
ExtensionManager Extension Manager - a singleton.
SAExtension (esriSpatialAnalystUI) Spatial Analyst Extension Object.


The Application object implements the IExtensionManager interface that has properties to get a reference to a particular extension and to get a count of how many extension are currently loaded.

Note, other types of objects can also implement IExtensionManager. For example, the Editor toolbar in ArcMap is an extension that manages editor extensions. Therefore, the Editor object also implements IExtensionManager.

See the About Extensions topics for more details.

See Also

IExtension Interface | IExtensionManagerAdmin Interface | IExtensionConfig Interface | ExtensionManager Class