ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectConfiguration Interface

Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

Use the IServerObjectConfiguration interface to do the following:

Define a new server object configuration to be added to the server with the AddConfiguration method on IServerObjectAdmin

Update an existing server object configuration with the UpdateConfiguration method on IServerObjectAdmin

View the administrator level properties of an existing server object configuration. Administrator level properties are those that are not available through the IServerObjectConfigurationInfo interface, and include:

Properties that are available through bot the IServerObjectConfiguration (read/write) and IServerObjectConfigurationInfo (read only) interfaces include:


Read/write property Description Description of the server object configuration.
Read/write property IsolationLevel The isolation level of the server objects defined by the server object configuration.
Read/write property IsPooled Indicates whether the server objects defined by this configuration are pooled.
Read/write property MaxInstances The maximum number of server object instances for a server object configuration.
Read/write property MinInstances The minimum number of server object instances for a server object configuration.
Read/write property Name Name of the server object configuration.
Read/write property Properties Initialization parameters and properties for the server objects created by the server object configuration.
Read/write property RecycleProperties The recycling properties for the server object configuration.
Read/write property StartupType The startup type for this server object configuration. Startup type describes whether the server object configuration is started when the server object manager service is started for the GIS server.
Read/write property TypeName Type of the server object configuration (MapServer or GeocodeServer).
Read/write property UsageTimeout Maximum time (in seconds) a client can hold onto an instance of a server object for this server object configuration before releasing it back to the server. It is the maximum time allowed between calling CreateServerContext and ReleaseServerContext.
Read/write property WaitTimeout Maximum time (in seconds) a client will wait for an instance of a server object for this server object configuration using the CreateServerContext method on IServerObjectManager before timing out.

CoClasses that implement IServerObjectConfiguration

CoClasses and Classes Description
AGOServerObjectConfiguration (esriGISClient) The AGOServerObjectConfiguration object describes the information of a AGO service.
DiscoveryServerObjectConfiguration (esriGISClient) The DiscoveryServerObjectConfiguration object which defines the properties and behavior for server objects running in the GIS server.
SDSServerObjectConfiguration (esriGISClient) The SDSServerObjectConfiguration object describes the information of a SDS service.
ServerObjectConfiguration The ServerObjectConfiguration object which defines the properties and behavior for server objects running in the GIS server.


The ArcGIS Server manages a set of server objects running across one or more host (container) machines. How those server objects are configured and run is defined by a set of server object configurations. Server object configurations can be added, removed, and modified by users or developers who are members of the agsadmin users group, and therfore have administrator priviliges on the ArcGIS Server.

The IServerObjectConfiguration interface is a read/write interface on a server object configuration that allows administrators to configure new server object configurations to add to the server, update existing server object confiurations, and to view the configuration properties of a server object configuration.

Users and developers that are not part the the agsadmin user group do not have access to this interface. An additional read-only interface called IServerObjectConfigurationInfo is available to non-administrators, which provides read-only access to a subset of the server object configuration's properties.

If you use IServerObjectConfiguration to modify any of a configuration's properties, you must call UpdateConfiguration on IServerObjectAdmin for those changes to be reflected in the server.

See Also

IEnumServerObjectTypeInfo Interface | ServerObject Class | IEnumServerObjectType Interface | AGSLocatorWorkspace Class | AGSAddressLocator Class | ILocatorManager2.GetAGSLocatorWorkspace Method | ILocatorWorkspaceName2.AGSServerConnectionName Property | GeocodeServer Class | IEnumServerObjectTypeInfo Interface | ServerObject Class | IEnumServerObjectType Interface | IPropertySet Interface