ArcObjects Library Reference (Schematic)  

Schematic Library Contents

The Schematic library implements the non user-interface functionality of the Schematics extension. It handles the core objects of the ArcGIS Schematics extension, used to manage schematic data and processes. The Schematics extension supports the analysis, display, and manipulation of schematic data within ArcGIS.


Interface Description
IDESchematicDataset Provides access to members that return information about schematic dataset data elements.
IDESchematicDatasetType Provides access to the Schematic Dataset Data Element Type.
IDESchematicDiagram Provides access to members that return information about schematic diagram data elements.
IDESchematicDiagramType Provides access to the Schematic Diagram Data Element Type.
IDESchematicFolder Provides access to members that return information about schematic folder elements.
IDESchematicFolderType Provides access to the Schematic Folder Data Element Type.
IEnumSchematicAlgorithm Provides access to members that control the enumeration of schematic algorithms.
IEnumSchematicAttribute Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic attribute.
IEnumSchematicBuilderRule Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic builder rules.
IEnumSchematicDataset Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic datasets.
IEnumSchematicDatasetName Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic dataset names.
IEnumSchematicDataSource Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic data sources.
IEnumSchematicDiagram Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic diagrams.
IEnumSchematicDiagramClass Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic diagram class.
IEnumSchematicElement Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic elements.
IEnumSchematicElementAssociation Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic element associations.
IEnumSchematicElementClass Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic element class.
IEnumSchematicFeature Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic features.
IEnumSchematicFolder Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic folders.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryDiagram Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory diagram.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory features.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureAssociation Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory feature associations.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureClass Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory feature class.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureLink Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory feature links.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory feature nodes on links.
IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLink Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic in memory feature sublinks.
IEnumSchematicObjectClass Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic object class.
IEnumSchematicQueryParameter Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic query paramaters.
IEnumSchematicQueryParameterEdit Provides access to members that edit the schematic query parameters enumeration.
IGPSchematicBuilder Provides access to members that manage the generation/update of diagrams by GP tools.
ISchematicAlgoAngleDirected Provides access to members that control the Angle Directed algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoBypassNode Provides access to members that control the Bypass Node schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoCompactTree Provides access to members that control the Compact Tree schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoComposite Provides access to members that control the composite algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoCompression Provides access to members that control the Compression schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoForceDirected Provides access to members that control the Force Directed schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoGrid Provides access to members that control the Grid schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoInitialPositions Provides access to members that control the Initial Positions schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoLinearDispatch Provides access to members that control the Linear Dispatch schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoMainLineTree Provides access to members that control the Main Line schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoMainRing Provides access to members that control the Main Ring schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoMarkCrossings Provides access to members that control the Mark Crossings schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoOrthogonal Provides access to members that control the Orthogonal schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoPartialOverlappingLinks Provides access to members that control the Partial Overlapping Links schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoRadialTree Provides access to members that control the Radial Tree schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoReduceVertices Provides access to members that control the Reduce Vertices schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoRelativeMainLine Provides access to members that control the Relative Main Line schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoRestoreSavedPositions Indicator interface for the Restore Saved Positions schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgorithm Provides access to members that control the schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgorithmEvents Provides access to events that occur when schematic algorithms are executed.
ISchematicAlgorithmEventsTrigger Provides access to members that manage the schematic algorithm event trigger.
ISchematicAlgoRotateNodesAlongLinks Provides access to members that control the Rotate Nodes Along Links schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoRotateTree Provides access to members that control the Rotate Tree schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoSeparateOverlappingLinks Provides access to members that control the Separate Overlapping Links schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoSmartTree Provides access to members that control the Smart Tree schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAlgoSpatialDispatch Provides access to members that control the Spatial Dispatch schematic algorithm (named Separate Nodes algorithm in Schematics 2.3).
ISchematicAlgoSquareLinks Provides access to members that control the Square Links schematic algorithm.
ISchematicAnalystFindConnected Provides access to members that control the Find Connected trace analyst.
ISchematicAnalystFindLoops Provides access to members that control the Find Loops trace analyst.
ISchematicAnalystFindOverlappingLinks Provides access to members that control the Find Overlapping Links trace analyst.
ISchematicAnalystFindPath Provides access to members that control the Find Path trace analyst.
ISchematicAnalystTraceResult Provides access to members that control the schematic analyst trace result.
ISchematicAttribute Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute.
ISchematicAttributeAssociatedField Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute associated field.
ISchematicAttributeConstant Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute constant.
ISchematicAttributeContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute container.
ISchematicAttributeDesign Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute design.
ISchematicAttributeDynamic Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute dynamic -Deprecated.
ISchematicAttributeField Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute field.
ISchematicAttributeFormatted Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute formatted.
ISchematicAttributeFunction Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute function.
ISchematicAttributeGeometry Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute geometry.
ISchematicAttributeManagement Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute management.
ISchematicAttributeProperty Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute property.
ISchematicAttributeQuery Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute query.
ISchematicAttributeScript Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute script.
ISchematicAttributeStatic Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute static.
ISchematicBarycenterManager Indicator interface for the schematic barycenter manager.
ISchematicBuilder Provides access to members that manage the schematic diagram builder.
ISchematicBuilderContext Provides access to members that manage the schematic builder context.
ISchematicBuilderDescription Provides access to members that manage the schematic builder description.
ISchematicBuilderDesign Provides access to members that manage the design of a schematic builder.
ISchematicBuilderGeneralization Provides access to members that control the schematic builder generalization.
ISchematicBuilderProps Provides access to members that manage the properties of a schematic builder.
ISchematicBuilderRule Provides access to members that manage the schematic builder rule.
ISchematicBuilderRuleContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic builder rule container.
ISchematicBuilderRuleContainerEdit Provides access to members that manage the schematic builder rule container edition.
ISchematicCollapseRelatedElementsExtended Provides access to members that manage the applicative selection of the collapsed elements for the collapse related elements rule.
ISchematicCollapseRelatedElementsRule Provides access to members that manage the Collapse Related Elements rule.
ISchematicConnection Provides access to members that manage the schematic connection.
ISchematicContainerManager Provides access to members that manage the drawing of the containers.
ISchematicDatabaseRelease Provides access to members that control information about the release version of a schematic database.
ISchematicDataset Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset.
ISchematicDatasetDesign Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset design.
ISchematicDatasetEvents Provides access to events that occur on schematic dataset.
ISchematicDatasetImport Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset import.
ISchematicDatasetLock Provides access to members that control the Schematic Dataset Lock status.
ISchematicDatasetManager Provides access to members that control the schematic dataset manager.
ISchematicDatasetName Provides access to members that supply schematic dataset name information.
ISchematicDataSource Provides access to members that manage the schematic data source.
ISchematicDataSourceContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic data source container.
ISchematicDataSourceDesign Provides access to members that manage the schematic data source design.
ISchematicDataSourceManager Provides access to members that manage schematic diagram referenced data sources.
ISchematicDiagram Provides access to members that control the schematic diagram.
ISchematicDiagramClass Provides access to members that manage the schematic diagram class.
ISchematicDiagramClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic diagram class container.
ISchematicDiagramClassLayer Provides access to members that manage the schematic diagram class layer functionality.
ISchematicDiagramClassName Provides access to members that supply the schematic diagram class name information (that is, the schematic template name information).
ISchematicDiagramContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic diagrams defined within a container (that is, within a schematic dataset or a schematic folder).
ISchematicDiagramName Provides access to members that supply the schematic diagram name information.
ISchematicElement Provides access to members that control the schematic element.
ISchematicElementAssociatedObject Provides access to members that control the feature/object associated to the schematic element.
ISchematicElementAssociation Provides access to members that control the schematic element association.
ISchematicElementAssociationContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic element associations defined within a container (that is, within a schematic dataset).
ISchematicElementClass Provides access to members that manage the schematic element class.
ISchematicElementClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic element class container.
ISchematicElementContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic elements within a container (that is, within a schematic diagram).
ISchematicElementRelation Provides access to members that control the schematic element relations defined within a container (that is, within a schematic dataset).
ISchematicExpandLinksByAttributeExtended Provides access to members that manage the applicative selection of the expand links by attribute rule.
ISchematicExpandLinksByAttributeRule Provides access to members that manage the Expand link by attribute rule.
ISchematicFeature Provides access to members that control the schematic feature.
ISchematicFeatureLinker Provides access to members that control the schematic feature linker; that is, the association between objects and schematic features.
ISchematicFeatureRemovalExtended Provides access to members that manage the applicative selection of the feature removal rule.
ISchematicFeatureRemovalRule Provides access to members that manage the rule removing features.
ISchematicFolder Provides access to members that controls the schematic folder.
ISchematicFolderContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic folders defined within a container (that is, whithin a schematic dataset or another schematic folder).
ISchematicFolderName Provides access to members that supply the schematic folder name information.
ISchematicGDBConnection Provides access to members that control the schematic connectin to a GDB.
ISchematicInitialPosition Provides access to members that control the initial position of nodes.
ISchematicInMemoryDiagram Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory diagram.
ISchematicInMemoryDiagramContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory diagram container.
ISchematicInMemoryFeature Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureAssociation Provides access to members that control the schematic in memory feature association.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureBoundingBox Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature bounding box.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature class.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the list of in memory feature classes.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassEdit Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature class edit.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature link.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLinkerEdit Provides access to members that manage the association between schematic features and their associated objects.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLinkGeometry Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature link geometry.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature node.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeFlags Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature node flags.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature node geometry.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature node on link.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLinkGeometry Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature node on link geometry.
ISchematicInMemoryFeaturePrimaryAssociation Provides access to members that control the schematic in memory feature primary association.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureReferenceLink Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature reference link.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureRotation Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature rotation.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLink Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature sublink.
ISchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLinkGeometry Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory feature sublink geometry.
ISchematicInMemoryObject Provides access to members that manage the schematic in memory object.
ISchematicJSONParameters Provides access to members that control the schematic JSON parameters.
ISchematicLayer Provides access to members that manage the schematic layer functionality.
ISchematicLayerEditHelper Provides access to members that returns editing inforamtions about the schematic layer.
ISchematicLayerTemplate Provides access to members that control a schematic layer template.
ISchematicLink Provides access to members that control the schematic link element.
ISchematicNetworkDatasetBuilder Provides access to members that control the schematic Network Dataset builder.
ISchematicNetworkDatasetBuilderContext Provides access to members that control information related to the context when the schematic Network Dataset builder runs.
ISchematicNode Provides access to members that control the schematic node.
ISchematicNodeOnLink Provides access to members that control the schematic node-on-link element.
ISchematicNodeReductionExtended Provides access to members that manage the applicative selection of node reduction by priority rule.
ISchematicNodeReductionRule Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Node Reduction rule.
ISchematicNodeReductionRuleByFlow Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Node Reduction By Flow rule.
ISchematicNodeReductionRuleByPriority Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Node Reduction By Priority rule.
ISchematicObject Provides access to members that control the schematic object.
ISchematicObjectClass Provides access to members that manage the schematic object class.
ISchematicObjectClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic object class container.
ISchematicOperation Provides access to members that control the schematic operation.
ISchematicQueryParameter Provides access to members that manage the schematic query parameter.
ISchematicRecordset Provides access to members that manage the schematic recorset.
ISchematicRecordsetDesign Provides access to members that manage the schematic recorset design.
ISchematicRelationController Provides access to memeber that manage the schematic relation controller.
ISchematicRelationControllerEdit Provides access to members that manage the schematic relation controller editing.
ISchematicRelationControllerEvent Provides access to events that occur on the schematic relation manager when schematic features are moved.
ISchematicRelationManager Provides access to members that control the schematic relation manager.
ISchematicRelationshipRule Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Relationship rule.
ISchematicRouteNodeReductionRule Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Route Node Reduction rule.
ISchematicRule Provides access to members that manage the schematic rule.
ISchematicRuleDesign Provides access to members that manage the design of a schematic rule.
ISchematicRuleFilter Provides access to members that manage the rule availability by builder.
ISchematicRulesHelper Provides access to members that manage the schematic rule helper.
ISchematicSpatialQueryRule Provides access to members that manage the generic Schematic Spatial Query rule.
ISchematicStandardBuilder Provides access to members that control the schematic Standard builder.
ISchematicStandardBuilderContext Provides access to members that control information related to the context when the schematic Standard builder runs.
ISchematicSubLink Provides access to members that control the schematic sublink.
ISchematicWorkspace Provides access to members that control the schematic workspace functionality.
ISchematicWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that open schematic workspaces.
ISchematicWorkspaceName Indicator interface for the schematic workspace name.
ISchematicXmlBuilder Provides access to members that control the Xml builder.
ISchematicXmlBuilderContext Provides access to members that control information related to the context when the Xml builder runs.
ISchematicXmlGenerate Provides access to members that control an applicative Xml plugin for generating diagrams.
ISchematicXmlUpdate Provides access to members that control an applicative Xml plugin for updating.
IWorkspaceNameHelper Provides access to the workspace name of a schematic datasource.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
DESchematicDataset Schematic Dataset Data Element object.
DESchematicDatasetType Schematic Dataset Data Element object Type.
DESchematicDiagram Schematic Diagram Data Element object.
DESchematicDiagramType Schematic Diagram Data Element object Type.
DESchematicFolder Esri Schematic Folder data element object.
DESchematicFolderType Schematic Folder Data Element object Type.
EnumSchematicAlgorithm Schematic Algorithm enumeration object.
EnumSchematicQueryParameter Provides access to members that enumerate through schematic query parameter objects.
SchematicADOConnection Schematic ADO Data Source object.
SchematicADOExtendedConnection Schematic ADO Extended Data Source object.
SchematicAlgoAngleDirected Angle Directed schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoBypassNode Bypass Node schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoCompactTree Compact Tree schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoComposite Composite schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoCompression Compression schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoForceDirected Force Directed schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoGrid Grid schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoInitialPositions Initial Positions schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoLinearDispatch Linear Dispatch schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoMainLineTree Main Line Tree schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoMainRing Main Ring schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoMarkCrossings Mark Crossing schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoOrthogonal Orthogonal schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoPartialOverlappingLinks Partial Overlapping Links schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoRadialTree Radial Tree schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoReduceVertices Reduce Vertices schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoRelativeMainLine RelativeMainLine schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoRestoreSavedPositions Restore Saved Positions schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgorithmEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISchematicAlgorithmEvents interface in VB.
SchematicAlgoRotateNodesAlongLinks Rotate Nodes Along Links schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoRotateTree Rotate Tree schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoSeparateOverlappingLinks Separate Overlapping Links schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoSmartTree Smart Tree schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoSpatialDispatch Spatial Dispatch schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAlgoSquareLinks Square Links schematic algorithm object.
SchematicAnalystFindConnected Find Connected schematic trace analyst object.
SchematicAnalystFindLoops Find Loops schematic trace analyst object.
SchematicAnalystFindOverlappingLinks Find Overlapping Links schematic trace analyst object.
SchematicAnalystFindPath Find Path schematic trace analyst object.
SchematicAttributeAssociatedField Schematic attribute associated field object.
SchematicAttributeConstant Schematic attribute constant object.
SchematicAttributeDynamic Schematic attribute dynamic object.
SchematicAttributeField Schematic attribute field object.
SchematicAttributeFormatted Schematic attribute formatted object.
SchematicAttributeFunction Provides access to members that manage the schematic attribute function.
SchematicAttributeGeometry Schematic attribute geometry object.
SchematicAttributeProperty Schematic attribute property object.
SchematicAttributeQuery Schematic attribute query object.
SchematicAttributeScript Schematic attribute script object.
SchematicAttributeStatic Schematic attribute static object.
SchematicBarycenterManager Schematic barycenter manager object.
SchematicBuilderRule Schematic builder rule object.
SchematicCollapseRelatedElementsRule Schematic Collapse Related Elements rule object.
SchematicContainerManager Schematic container manager object.
SchematicDAOConnection Schematic DAO Jet connection object.
SchematicDAOOdbcDirectConnection Schematic DAO Odbc direct connection object.
SchematicDataset Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset.
SchematicDatasetManager Helper object (singleton) firing ISchematicDatasetEvents and ISchematicAlgorithmEvents events coming from all schematic datasets.
SchematicDatasetName Schematic dataset name object.
SchematicDatasetNativeType Schematic dataset native type object.
SchematicDataSource Schematic data source object.
SchematicDiagram A schematic diagram object.
SchematicDiagramClass Schematic diagram class object.
SchematicDiagramClassName Schematic diagram class name object.
SchematicDiagramName Schematic diagram name object.
SchematicDiagramNativeType Schematic diagram native type object.
SchematicElementAssociation Schematic element association object.
SchematicElementClass Schematic element class object.
SchematicExpandLinksByAttributeRule Schematic Expand Links By Attribute rule object.
SchematicFeatureRemovalRule Schematic feature removal rule object.
SchematicFolder A schematic folder object.
SchematicFolderName Schematic folder name object.
SchematicFolderNativeType Schematic folder native type object.
SchematicGDBAccessConnection Schematic Access Geodatabase object.
SchematicGDBFileConnection Schematic File Geodatabase object.
SchematicGDBOleDBConnection Schematic OleDB Geodatabase object.
SchematicGDBSdeConnection Schematic SDE Geodatabase object.
SchematicInMemoryDiagram Schematic in memory diagram object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureAssociation Schematic in memory feature association object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureClass Schematic in memory feature class object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureLink Schematic in memory feature link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNode Schematic in memory feature node object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink Schematic in memory feature node on link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLink Schematic in memory feature sublink object.
SchematicLayer A Schematic layer object.
SchematicLayerFactory Schematic Layer Factory object.
SchematicLink A schematic link object.
SchematicLinker Schematic linker object that manages the objects (rows or features) associated to the schematic features.
SchematicNode A schematic node object.
SchematicNodeOnLink A schematic node-on-link object.
SchematicNodeReductionRuleByFlow Schematic Node Reduction By Flow rule object.
SchematicNodeReductionRuleByPriority Schematic Node Reduction By Priority rule object.
SchematicQueryParameter Schematic query parameter object.
SchematicRelationController Schematic relation controller object.
SchematicRelationshipRule Schematic Relationship rule object.
SchematicRouteNodeReductionRule Schematic Route Node Reduction rule object.
SchematicRulesHelper Schematic rule helper.
SchematicSpatialQueryRule Schematic Spatial Query rule object.
SchematicSubLink A schematic sublink object.
SchematicWorkspaceFactory Schematic workspace factory class.
SchematicWorkspaceName Schematic workspace name object.


Enumeration Description
esriSchematicAlgoDirection Tree structure directions used by the schematic algorithms.
esriSchematicAlgoHierarchicalType Hierarchical tree layout types.
esriSchematicAlgoMainLineType Main line tree's branches placement options.
esriSchematicAlgoMainRingType Main ring form types.
esriSchematicAlgoNumberOfDirection Number of directions options for the Angle Directed algorithm.
esriSchematicAttributeEvaluationMode Schematic attribute evaluation mode.
esriSchematicAttributeGeometryType Schematic attribute geometry type.
esriSchematicAttributeStorageMode Schematic attribute storage mode.
esriSchematicContainerMarginUnit Schematic Container Margin Unit Type.
esriSchematicElementType Schematic type of element.
esriSchematicEndPointType Schematic link end point types.
esriSchematicErrors Enumeration of schematic error codes.
esriSchematicMovementType Node placement options for the Linear dispatch layout.
esriSchematicReductionPriority Schematic reduction priority options.
esriSchematicSpatialQueryRuleSearchMethod Spatial query rule selection method.
esriSchematicStandardBuilderUpdateMode Schematic Standard builder update modes.
esriSchematicStandardBuilderUpdateType Schematic Standard builder update types.