ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

IGlobeAdvancedOptions Interface

Provides access to the globe data processing and management options. Note: the IGlobeAdvancedOptions interface has been superseded byIGlobeAdvancedOptions2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Use IGlobeAdvancedOptions interface to get\set Arcglobe’s advanced visualization and data management options. Using this interface you can get\set the following properties: CachePath – where cache data will reside on the local machine, DefaultUse16ElevBits and DefaultUse16ColorBits – default values for elevation and image color Compression, ClipNear and ClipFarFactor – Near and Far Clipping planes that aid in performance optimization by clipping areas that do not fall within the applications view, LevelOfDetail – the  level of detail of image and elevation layers that gets applied during display, ManualLOD – a boolean that indicates if manual LOD control is on and TargetFrameRate – the target frame rate when using automatic control of  LOD. Use VectorTileSize property to limit the amount of features (expressed as the maximum number of vertices) in a tile. Currently the maximum amount is 65,536 vertices (216) which is set as the default value. Lowering this value will in effect result in 'trimming' or dropping-off of features that exceed the limit set within a tile. This property applies to features treated as vectors only.

IGlobeAdvancedOptions interface also has methods GetUseCache and SetUseCache, to get\set whether disk cache will be used and the size to allocate for disk cache, a property to get if lossy compression is supported – IsLossyCompressionSupported , and a method to get the default lossy compression option for a data type and its quality from 1 to 100 – GetDefaultCompression.
The RestoreClipPlaneDefaults and RestoreLODDefaults methods set the default Clipping planes and level of Detail settings to their default values respectively. Most of these advanced options will not be used until WriteToRegistry is used to commit the changes to registry.



Read/write property CachePath The path to the globe data cache in disk.
Read/write property ClipFarFactor The Far Plane Clipping Factor.
Read/write property ClipNear The value for where the near clipping plane is.
Read/write property DefaultUse16ColorBits Indicates whether to perform radiometric compression to 16 color bits.
Read/write property DefaultUse16ElevBits Indicates whether to perform elevation range compression to 16 bits.
Method GetDefaultCompression Gets default lossy compression option for a data type, and its quality from 1 to 100.
Method GetUseCache Gets disk cache option and cache size.
Read-only property IsLossyCompressionSupported Indicates if lossy data compression is supported.
Read/write property LevelOfDetail The level of detail value.
Read/write property ManualLOD Indicates if the level of detail is under manual control.
Method RestoreClipPlaneDefaults Restore the Default Clipping Plane Settings.
Method RestoreLODDefaults Restore the Default LOD Settings.
Method SetDefaultCompression Sets default lossy compression option for a data type, and its quality from 1 to 100.
Method SetUseCache Sets disk cache option and cache size.
Read/write property TargetFrameRate The target frame rate -- for automatic control of level of detail.
Read/write property TileMemorySize The memory used for tile data.
Read/write property UpdateCacheMonthlyPrompt Indicates whether to update the cache monthly.
Read/write property VectorTileSize The maximum size of a vector tile (< 2 power 16).
Method WriteToRegistry Write the options in the system's registry.

CoClasses that implement IGlobeAdvancedOptions

CoClasses and Classes Description
GlobeAdvancedOptions The globe advanced options object.

The following code illustrates how to manipulate the advanced options available from this interface:

public void AdvancedOpts()
 //pGlobe is a variable of type IGlobe
 IGlobeDisplay pGlbDisplay = pGlobe.GlobeDisplay;

 IGlobeAdvancedOptions pGlobeAdv = pGlbDisplay.AdvancedOptions;

 //Get the current cache location
 string currentCacheLocation;
 currentCacheLocation = pGlobeAdv.CachePath;

 bool pbLossyComp;
 short pQuality;

 //Pass the data type (esriGlobeDataType) as the first argument
 pGlobeAdv.GetDefaultCompression(esriGlobeDataType.esriGlobeDataTexture,out pbLossyComp,out pQuality);