The GISClient library contains objects for working with remote GIS Services. These services can be provided by either ArcIMS or the ArcGIS Server.
Interface | Description |
IAdminUploader | Provides access to properties and members of the Uploader object. |
IAdminUploadsClient | Provides access to properties and members the uploads client object. |
IAGOGroupInfo | The AGO group interface |
IAGOServerObjectAdmin | Provides access to properties and members of the server's server object admin. |
IAGOServerObjectConfiguration | Provides access to properties and members of AGOServerObjectConfiguration object. |
IAGOServerObjectConfigurationInfo | Provides access to properties and members of AGOServerObjectConfigurationInfo object. |
IAGOSharingOptions | Provides access to AGOSharingOptions interface. |
IAGSEnumServerObjectName | Provides access to members that hand out enumerated server object names and reset the enumeration. |
IAGSServerConnection | Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection.. |
IAGSServerConnection2 | Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information. |
IAGSServerConnection3 | Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection.. |
IAGSServerConnection4 | Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection. |
IAGSServerConnectionAdmin | Provides access to the server object manager, server object admin and server object configurations for the GIS server. |
IAGSServerConnectionFactory | Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information. |
IAGSServerConnectionFactory2 | Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information. |
IAGSServerConnectionFactory3 | Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information. |
IAGSServerConnectionName | Provides access to members that supply GIS server connection name information. |
IAGSServerConnectionName2 | Provides access to members that supply GIS server connection name information. |
IAGSServerConnectionName3 | Provides access to members that supply GIS server connection name information. |
IAGSServerObject | Provides access to properties of a map or geocode server object. |
IAGSServerObject2 | Provides access to properties of a server object. |
IAGSServerObjectName | Provides access to members that supply server object name information. |
IAGSServerObjectName2 | Provides access to members that supply server object name information. |
IAGSServerObjectName3 | Provides access to members that supply server object name information. |
IDiscoveryCluster | Provides access to properties and members of DiscoveryCluster object. |
IDiscoveryClusterProtocol | Provides access to properties and members of DiscoveryClusterProtocol object. |
IDiscoveryDataSpaceItem | Provides access to properties and members of DiscoveryDataSpaceItem object. |
IDiscoveryIndexingStatus | Indexing status of search service |
IDiscoveryServerConfigStore | Provides access to properties and members of the configuration store object. |
IDiscoveryServerLicense | Provides access to properties and members of the DiscoveryServerLicense object. |
IDiscoveryServerLicenseExtension | Provides access to properties and members of the DiscoveryServerLicenseExtension object. |
IDiscoveryServerLicenseItem | |
IDiscoveryServerLogSettings | Provides access to properties and members of the DiscoveryServerLogSettings object. |
IDiscoveryServerMachineStatistics | Provides access to DiscoveryServerMachineStatistics object. |
IDiscoveryServerObjectAdmin | Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS Discovery server's server object admin. |
IDiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationInfo | Provides access to properties and members of DiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationInfo object. |
IDiscoveryServiceStatistics | Provides access to DiscoveryServiceStatistics object. |
IEnumAGOGroupInfo | Provides access to members that enumerate through AGOGroupInfos. |
IEnumAGSServerConnectionName | Provides access to members that enumerate over a collection of server connection name objects. |
IEnumDiscoveryCluster | Provides access to members that enumerate through DiscoveryClusters. |
IEnumDiscoveryDataSpaceItem | Provides access to members that enumerate through dataset configuration of a database. |
IEnumDiscoveryServerLicenseExtension | Provides access to members that enumerate through license extensions. |
IEnumDiscoveryServerLicenseItem | Provides access to members that enumerate through license items. |
IEnumDiscoveryServerMachineStatistics | Provides access to members that enumerate through DiscoveryMachinePerServiceStatistics. |
IEnumSDSDataSourceMappingInfo | |
IEnumUploadItem | Provides access to members that enumerate through Discovery uploads items. |
IIMSAxlRequest | Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS server. |
IIMSFeatureClass | Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS Feature Class. |
IIMSMetadataAxlRequest | Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS metadata servers. |
IIMSServiceDescription | Provides access to members to get IMS connection properties and get the specified service child. |
IIMSUserRole | Provides access to members to get the IMS role of the currently logged in user. |
IIMSWorkspace | Provides access to members that provide information on the ArcIMS Workspace. |
IIMSWorkspace2 | Provides access to members that provide information on the ArcIMS Workspace. |
IRemoteMetadataName | Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server. |
IRemoteMetadataName2 | Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server. |
IRESTServerObjectAdmin | Provides access to methods adminstrating AGS rest services. |
ISDSConnectionParameters | Provides access to properties and members of SDSConnectionParameters object. |
ISDSDataSourceConfiguration | Provides access to properties and members of SDSDataSourceConfiguration object. |
ISDSDataSourceMappingInfo | Provides access to properties and members of SDSDataSourceMappingInfo object. |
ISDSServerObjectAdmin | Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS Discovery server's server object admin. |
ISDSServerObjectConfiguration | Provides access to properties and members of SDSServerObjectConfiguration object. |
ISDSServerObjectConfigurationInfo | Provides access to properties and members of SDSServerObjectConfigurationInfo object. |
IServerObjectDescription | Provides access to methods describing the type and class id of the server object. |
IServiceUploader | Provides access to properties and members of the Uploader object. |
IServiceUploadsClient | Provides access to properties and members of the uploads client object. |
ISetDefaultAgsConnectionInfo | Provides access to user entered information for an ArcGIS Server Connection. |
IUploader | Provides access to properties and members of the Uploader object. |
IUploadItem | Provides access to upload item objects. |
IUploadsClient | Provides access to properties and members the uploads client object. |
IWCSBoundingBoxInfo | Provides access to IWCSBoundingBoxInfo information. |
IWCSClientEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a URL request is made to the WCS server. |
IWCSConnection | Provides access to members that supply WCS connection information. |
IWCSConnectionFactory | Provides access to members give access to WCSFactory information. |
IWCSConnectionName | Provides access to members that supply WCS server connection name information. |
IWCSCoverageDescription | Provides access to members give access to WCSCoverageDescription information. |
IWCSCoverageField | Provides access to IWCSCoverageField information. |
IWCSCoverageName | Provides access to members that supply WCS coverage name information. |
IWCSRange | Provides access to IWCSRange information. |
IWCSServiceDescription | Provides access to members give access to WCSServiceDescription information. |
IWCSServiceExceptionHandler | Provides access to members that provide WCS error descriptions. |
IWCSSpatialDomain | Provides access to IWCSSpatialDomain information. |
IWMSClientEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a URL request is made to the WMS server. |
IWMSConnection | Provides access to members that supply WMS connection information. |
IWMSConnectionFactory | Provides access to members give access to WMSFactory information. |
IWMSConnectionName | Provides access to members that supply WMS server connection name information. |
IWMSLayerDescription | Provides access to members give access to WMSLayerDescription information. |
IWMSLayerStyleDescription | Provides access to members give access to WMSLayerStyleDescription information. |
IWMSServiceDescription | Provides access to members give access to WMSServiceDescription information. |
IWMSServiceExceptionHandler | Provides access to members that provide WMS error descriptions. |
IWMTSConnection | Provides access to members that supply WMTS connection information. |
IWMTSConnectionFactory | Provides access to members give access to WMTSFactory information. |
IWMTSConnectionName | Provides access to members that supply WMTS server connection name information. |
IWMTSDimension | Provides access to members give access to WMTSDimension information. |
IWMTSLayerDescription | Provides access to members give access to WMTSLayerDescription information. |
IWMTSServiceDescription | Provides access to members give access to WMTSServiceDescription information. |
IWMTSTileMatrix | Provides access to members that describe a particular tile matrix. |
IWMTSTileMatrixSet | Provides access to methods that describe a particular set of tile matrices. |
IWMTSTileMatrixSetLink | Provides access to members that describe metadata about the TileMatrixSet reference. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
AGOGroupInfo | The AGOGroupInfo object represents the AGO group info. |
AGOServerObjectConfiguration | The AGOServerObjectConfiguration object describes the information of a AGO service. |
AGOServerObjectConfigurationInfo | The AGOServerObjectConfigurationInfo object describes the basic information of a AGO service. |
AGOServerObjectConfigurationStatus | The AGOServerObjectConfigurationStatus object which reports the status of a server object configuration. |
AGOSharingOptions | The AGOSharingOptions object represents the sharing options. |
AGSServerConnection | The AGSServerConnection object for connecting to the GIS server and getting the ServerObjectManager and ServerObjectAdmin. |
AGSServerConnectionFactory | A factory object for ArcGIS Server Connections. |
AGSServerConnectionName | A name object for ArcGIS Server Connections. |
AGSServerObjectName | A name object for ArcGIS Server Objects. |
DiscoveryCluster | The DiscoveryCluster object. |
DiscoveryClusterProtocol | The DiscoveryClusterProtocol object. |
DiscoveryDataSpaceItem | The DiscoveryDataSpaceItem object. |
DiscoveryIndexingStatus | The DiscoveryIndexingStatus object. |
DiscoveryServerConfigStore | The DiscoveryConfigStore object. |
DiscoveryServerDirectory | The DiscoveryServerDirectory object. |
DiscoveryServerLicense | A Discovery server license. |
DiscoveryServerLicenseExtension | A Discovery server license extension. |
DiscoveryServerLicenseItem | A Discovery server license item. |
DiscoveryServerLogSettings | The DiscoveryServerLogSettings object. |
DiscoveryServerMachine | The DiscoveryServerMachine object. |
DiscoveryServerMachineStatistics | The DiscoveryServerMachineStatistics object. |
DiscoveryServerObjectAdmin | The DiscoveryServerObjectAdmin object which administrates the GIS Discovery Server. |
DiscoveryServerObjectConfiguration | The DiscoveryServerObjectConfiguration object which defines the properties and behavior for server objects running in the GIS server. |
DiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationInfo | The DiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationInfo object which defines the basic properties and behavior for server objects running in the GIS server. |
DiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationStatus | The DiscoveryServerObjectConfigurationStatus object which reports the status of a server object configuration. |
DiscoveryServiceStatistics | The DiscoveryServiceStatistics object. |
IMSCatalogPathParser | IMSGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. |
IMSMetadataServiceName | ArIMS Metadata Service Name Object. |
IMSServiceName | The IMS Service Name. |
IMSWorkspaceFactory | The IMS Workspace Factory. |
SDSConnectionParameters | The SDSConnectionParameters object provides connection paramaters info. |
SDSDataSourceConfiguration | The SDSDataSourceConfiguration object describes the data source information of a SDS service. |
SDSDataSourceMappingInfo | The SDSDataSourceMappingInfo object provides info for data source mapping. |
SDSServerObjectConfiguration | The SDSServerObjectConfiguration object describes the information of a SDS service. |
SDSServerObjectConfigurationInfo | The SDSServerObjectConfigurationInfo object describes the basic information of a SDS service. |
SDSServerObjectConfigurationStatus | The SDSServerObjectConfigurationStatus object which reports the status of a server object configuration. |
Uploader | The uploader object. |
UploadItem | The UploadItem object. |
UploadsClient | The uploads client object. |
WCSConnection | The Connection for WCS. |
WCSConnectionFactory | A factory object for WCS Connections. |
WCSConnectionName | The WCS Connection name. |
WCSServiceExceptionHandler | WCS Service Exception Handler. |
WMSConnection | The Connection for WMS. |
WMSConnectionFactory | A factory object for WMS Connections. |
WMSConnectionName | The WMS Connection name. |
WMSServiceExceptionHandler | WMS Service Exception Handler. |
WMTSConnection | The Connection for WMTS. |
WMTSConnectionFactory | A factory object for WMTS Connections. |
WMTSConnectionName | The WMTS Connection name. |
WMTSDimension | WMTS Dimension. |
WMTSLayerDescription | A factory object for WMTS Layer Description. |
WMTSTileMatrix | Object that describes a particular tile matrix |
WMTSTileMatrixSet | Object that describes a particular set of tile matrices |
WMTSTileMatrixSetLink | Object that describes metadata about the TileMatrixSet reference |
Enumeration | Description |
acIndexStatus | ArcIMS Metadata Document Index Status. |
acMapUnits | ArcIMS map units. |
acSecurityType | ArcIMS Security Service Type. Use a combination to describe the security of a service. |
acServiceType | ArcIMS Map Service Type. |
acUserRole | ArcIMS User Role. |
agsClientError | AGS Client Error Codes. |
esriAGOJobStatus | The protocol type. |
esriAGOSharingOptions | The sharing options. |
esriAGSConnectionMode | The level of access the connection has to the GIS Server. |
esriAGSConnectionType | The GIS server connection type. |
esriAGSServerType | The GIS server connection type. |
esriAGSServerVersionType | The server version type. |
esriConfigStoreType | The config store type. |
esriDiscoveryDataSpaceItemType | The data space item type of discovery server. |
esriDiscoveryProtocolType | The protocol type. |
esriSDSServerType | The SDS server type. |
esriSearchServiceIndexingType | The indexing type. |
esriServerLogLevel | The server log level. |
esriServiceURLType | The URL type to access a service. |
imsErrors | IMS Error Codes. |
wcsErrors | WCS Error Codes. |
wmsErrors | WMS Error Codes. |