Interface |
Description |
IBStringArray |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the string array. |
IDataElementDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a data element domain object. |
IDETool |
Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data element object. |
IDEToolbox |
Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object. |
IDEToolbox2 |
Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object. |
IDEToolboxType |
Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data type object. |
IDEToolType |
Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data type object. |
IDEUtilities |
Provides access to the Data Element Utilities. |
IEnumFieldType |
Provides access to enumeric esriFieldTypes. |
IEnumGeometryType |
Provides access to enumeric esriGeometryTypes. |
IEnumGPDataType |
Provides access to enumeric GPDataType. |
IEnumGPEnvironment |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment enumeration object. |
IEnumGPTool |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool enumeration object. |
IEnumGPToolbox |
Provides access to methods on a toolbox enumeration object. |
IEnumGPToolboxName |
Provides access to methods on a toolbox name enumeration object. |
IEnumGPToolName |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool name enumeration object. |
IEnumMdElement |
Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model elements. |
IEnumMdProcess |
Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model processes. |
IEnumMdVariable |
Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model variables. |
IGeoProcessor |
The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools. |
IGeoProcessor2 |
The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools. |
IGeoProcessorEvents |
Provides access to GeoProcessor events. |
IGeoProcessorEvents2 |
Provides access to GeoProcessor events2. |
IGeoProcessorEvents3 |
Provides access to GeoProcessor events3. |
IGeoProcessorResult |
The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools. |
IGeoProcessorResult2 |
The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools. |
IGeoProcessorSettings |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings. |
IGeoProcessorSettings2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings. |
IGPAnalysisCellSize |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing analysis cellsize object. |
IGPAnalysisCellSizeType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing analysis cellsize data type. |
IGPAnnoDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing annotation feature class domain object. |
IGPArcInfoItemDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Arc/Info item domain object. |
IGPArealUnit |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit object. |
IGPArealUnitType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit data type object. |
IGPBoolean |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing boolean object. |
IGPBooleanType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing boolean data type. |
IGPCadastralFabricLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer object. |
IGPCadastralFabricLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer data type object. |
IGPCalculatorExpression |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Calculator Expression object. |
IGPCalculatorExpressionType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing Calculator Expression data type. |
IGPCellSizeXY |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing CellSizeXY object. |
IGPCellSizeXYType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing CellSizeXY data type. |
IGPCodedValueDomainProperty |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coded value domain property object. |
IGPComHelper |
Provides access to properties and methods on a Geoprocessing helper object. |
IGPCompositeDataType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite data type object. |
IGPCompositeDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite domain object. |
IGPCompositeLayer |
Provides access to GPCompositeLayer objects. |
IGPCompositeLayerType |
Provides access to GPCompositeLayerType objects. |
IGPContainerSchema |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing container schema object. |
IGPCoordinateSystem |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system object. |
IGPCoordinateSystemType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system data type object. |
IGPCoverageDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage domain object. |
IGPCoverageFeatureClassDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage feature class domain object. |
IGPCreateTiles |
Create a set of tiles for chunking. |
IGpCursorRow |
Provides access to the Cursor Row. |
IGpCursorRow2 |
Provides access to the Cursor Row. |
IGPCustomTool |
Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object. |
IGPCustomToolGen |
Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object. |
IGPCustomToolHelper |
Provides access to methods on a custom tool helper object. |
IGPDataFile |
IGPDataFileType |
IGPDatasetDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing dataset domain object. |
IGPDate |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing date object. |
IGPDateType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing date data type. |
IGPDefaultNameList |
Provides access to the properties/methods to manage a list of output dataset names. |
IGpDescribeData |
Provides access to the properties of a GpDescribeData object. |
IGpDescribeField |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Field Description object. |
IGpDescribeGeometry |
Provides access to the properties and methods of the Describe Geometry object. |
IGpDescribeIndex |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Index Description object. |
IGpDispatch |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessor object. |
IGPDouble |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing double object. |
IGPDoubleType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing double data type. |
IGPEncryptedStringType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type. |
IGpEnumList |
Provides access to the methods on a list enumeration object. |
IGpEnumObject |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object enumerator object. |
IGPEnvelope |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing envelope object. |
IGPEnvelopeType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing envelope data type. |
IGPEnvironment |
Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object. |
IGPEnvironmentImpl |
Provides access to the implementation properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object. |
IGPEnvironmentManager |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment management object. |
IGPExtent |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing extent object. |
IGPExtentType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing extent data type. |
IGPFeatureClassDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature class domain object. |
IGPFeatureLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer object. |
IGPFeatureLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer data type object. |
IGPFeatureRecordSet |
IGPFeatureRecordSetLayer |
IGPFeatureRecordSetLayerType |
IGPFeatureRecordSetType |
IGPFeatureSchema |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature schema object. |
IGPFieldDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object. |
IGPFieldDomain2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object. |
IGPFieldInfo |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. |
IGPFieldInfo2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. |
IGPFieldInfo3 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. |
IGPFieldInfoDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info domain object. |
IGpFieldInfoObject |
Provides access to the Dispatch Field Info Object. |
IGPFieldInfoProperty |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. |
IGPFieldInfoProperty2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. |
IGPFieldInfoProperty3 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. |
IGPFieldInfoType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info data type. |
IGPFieldMap |
Provides access to the sub field map object. |
IGpFieldMapObject |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMap object. |
IGPFieldMapping |
Provides access to the field map object. |
IGpFieldMappingsObject |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. |
IGPFieldMappingType |
Provides access to the field map data type. |
IGPFileDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file domain object. |
IGPFileSupport |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file support object. |
IGPFunction |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function object. |
IGPFunction2 |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object. |
IGPFunctionFactory |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object. |
IGPFunctionFactory2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object. |
IGPFunctionName |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function name object. |
IGPFunctionTool |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object. |
IGPGroupLayer |
Provides access to GPGroupLayer objects. |
IGPGroupLayerType |
Provides access to GPGroupLayerType objects. |
IGPINFOExpression |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression object. |
IGPINFOExpressionType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression data type object. |
IGPJobServerExe |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the gp job server. |
IGPLasDatasetLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer object. |
IGPLasDatasetLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer data type object. |
IGPLayerDescription |
IGPLayersAndTablesDomain |
Provides access to the GpLayers and Tables domain. |
IGPLayerSupport |
Provides access to GPLayerSupport properties. |
IGPLine |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object. |
IGPLine2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object. |
IGPLinearUnit |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object. |
IGPLinearUnit2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object. |
IGPLinearUnitType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit data type object. |
IGPLineType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing line data type. |
IGPLong |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing long integer object. |
IGPLongType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing long integer data type. |
IGPMDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain object. |
IGPMDomainType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain data type object. |
IGPMeasureFieldsDomain |
Provides access to the measure field domain. |
IGPModelTool |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing model tool object. |
IGPMosaicLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer object. |
IGPMosaicLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer data type object. |
IGPMultiValue |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value object. |
IGPMultiValueDataTypeName |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value data type name object. |
IGPMultiValueType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the multi-value data type object. |
IGPNetCDFWorkspace |
Provides access to the NetCDFWorkspace object. |
IGPNetworkDatasetLayer |
Network Dataset Layer interface |
IGPNetworkDatasetLayerType |
Network Dataset Layer Type interface |
IGPNumericDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing numeric domain object. |
IGpObjectArray |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object array object. |
IGPParameter |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameter2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameter3 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameterEdit |
Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameterEdit2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameterEdit3 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. |
IGPParameterInfo |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information. |
IGPParameterInfos |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information array. |
IGPParseString |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object. |
IGPParseString2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object. |
IGPPoint |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object. |
IGPPoint2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object. |
IGpPointObject |
Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object. |
IGpPointObject2 |
Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object. |
IGPPointType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing point data type. |
IGPPolygon |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object. |
IGPPolygon2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object. |
IGPPolygonType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing polygon data type. |
IGPProtectNames |
IGPQueryTableFieldsDomain |
Provides access to a query table fields domain. |
IGPQueryTableIDsDomain |
Provides access to the query table ID field domain. |
IGPRAFieldDomain |
Provides access to IGPRAFieldDomain interface. |
IGPRandomNumberGenerator |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator object. |
IGpRandomNumberGeneratorObject |
Provides access to the Dispatch RandomGenerator Object. |
IGPRandomNumberGeneratorType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator data type object. |
IGPRasterBuilder |
IGPRasterBuilderType |
IGPRasterCatalogLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer object. |
IGPRasterCatalogLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer data type object. |
IGPRasterData |
IGPRasterDataLayer |
IGPRasterDataLayerType |
IGPRasterDataType |
IGPRasterEnvStorageDefAdvanced |
Provides access to raster storage def creation Options. |
IGPRasterFormulated |
Provides access to IGPRasterFormulated interface. |
IGPRasterFormulatedType |
Provides access to IGPRasterFormulatedType interface. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvCompression |
Provides access to raster GDB environment compression control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType |
Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid |
Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid2 |
Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid3 |
Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType |
Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvStatistics |
Provides access to raster GDB environment statistics control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType |
Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSize |
Provides access to raster GDB environment tile size control. |
IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType |
Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType. |
IGPRasterLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer object. |
IGPRasterLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer data type object. |
IGPRasterSchema |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster schema object. |
IGPRecordSet |
IGPRecordSetType |
IGPRepresentationLayerDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing representation layer domain object. |
IGPResult |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing results. |
IGPResultOptions |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the result options. |
IGPResultOptions2 |
IGPRouteDomain |
Provides access to the route feature class domain. |
IGPRouteIDFieldsDomain |
Provides access to the route ID field domain. |
IGPRouteMeasureEventDomain |
Provides access to the route measure event table domain. |
IGPRouteMeasureEventProperties |
Provides access to the route measure event properties. |
IGPRouteMeasureEventPropertiesType |
Provides access to the route measure event property type. |
IGPSAGeoDataDomain |
Provides access to GPSA Geo-Data Domain. |
IGPSAGeoDataType |
Provides access to IGPSAGeoDataType interface. |
IGPSchema |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing schema object. |
IGPSchemaCheckImpl |
Provides access to the private IGPSchemaCheckImpl interface. |
IGPScriptTool |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object. |
IGPScriptTool2 |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object. |
IGPServer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server. |
IGPServer2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server. |
IGPServerSync |
Provides access to the methods of the geoprocessing server. |
IGPServerTrackCancel |
IGPServerTrackCancel2 |
IGPSpatialReference |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference object. |
IGPSpatialReferenceType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference data type object. |
IGpSpRefObject |
Provides access to the Dispatch SpatialReference Object. |
IGPSQLExpression |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression object. |
IGPSQLExpressionType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression data type object. |
IGPStandaloneTableCollection |
Provides access to GPCompositeLayer tables. |
IGPString |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing string object. |
IGPStringType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type. |
IGPTableSchema |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table schema object. |
IGPTablesDomain |
Provides access to the Tables domain. |
IGPTablesDomain2 |
Provides access to the Tables domain. |
IGPTableView |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view object. |
IGPTableViewType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view data type object. |
IGPTask |
Provides access to properties/methods of a task object. |
IGPTerrainLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer object. |
IGPTerrainLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer data type object. |
IGPTest |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the GPTest object. |
IGPTinLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer object. |
IGPTinLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer data type object. |
IGPTool |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool object. |
IGPToolBackground |
Tool Background Implementation Interface. |
IGPToolbox |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. |
IGPToolbox2 |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. |
IGPToolbox3 |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. |
IGPToolboxEvents |
Provides access to toolbox events. |
IGPToolboxEvents2 |
Provides access to toolbox events. |
IGPToolboxFactory |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox factory object. |
IGPToolboxName |
Provides access to methods on a toolbox name object. |
IGPToolCommandHelper |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object. |
IGPToolCommandHelper2 |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object. |
IGPToolEdit |
Provides access to edit methods on a geoprocessing tool object. |
IGPToolExtension |
Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension. |
IGPToolExtensionFactory |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object. |
IGPToolExtensionFactoryGen |
Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object. |
IGPToolExtensionGen |
Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension. |
IGPToolInfo |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information. |
IGPToolInfo2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information. |
IGPToolInfos |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information array. |
IGPToolName |
Provides access to methods on a tool name object. |
IGPTopologyLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer object. |
IGPTopologyLayerType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer data type object. |
IGPType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing data type. |
IGPUtilities |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. |
IGPUtilities2 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. |
IGPUtilities3 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. |
IGPUtilities4 |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. |
IGPValueExpression |
Provides access to GPExpression objects. |
IGPValues |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the values array. |
IGPValueTable |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a value table object. |
IGpValueTableObject |
Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object. |
IGpValueTableObject2 |
Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object. |
IGPValueTableType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the value table data type. |
IGPVariableManager |
Provides access to GPVariableManager objects. |
IGPVariant |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing variant object. |
IGPVariantType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing variant data type. |
IGPVirtualTableDomain |
Provides access to the virtual table domain. |
IGPWorkspaceDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing workspace object. |
IGPXYDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain object. |
IGPXYDomainType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain data type object. |
IGPZDomain |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain object. |
IGPZDomainType |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain data type object. |
IMapCacheTileManager |
Provides access to methods that manage map server cache tiles. |
IMapCacheTileManagerJob |
Executes in parallel and performs the job. |
IMapCacheTileManagerJobResultHandler |
Processes the results of a MapCacheTileManagerJob |
IMBImport |
Provides access to ModelBuilder Import Interface. |
IMBProgressor |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model builder progressor object. |
IMdDiagramProperties |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model diagram properties object. |
IMdDisplayEdge |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model display edge. |
IMdDisplayNode |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model display node. |
IMdElement |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model element. |
IMdElementDialogSupport |
Provides access to support methods on the element dialog. |
IMdList |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model list. |
IMdModel |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model. |
IMdModelEvents |
Provides access to model events. |
IMdModelIteration |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration. |
IMdModelIteration2 |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration. |
IMdParameter |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model parameter. |
IMdProcess |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model process. |
IMdVariable |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. |
IMdVariable2 |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. |
IMdVariable3 |
Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. |
IProcessLayer |
Provides access to the properties/methods of the process layer object. |
IProtectNameGeoprocessing |
Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IToolboxWorkspace |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace object. |
IToolboxWorkspaceExtension |
Provides access to methods on a toolbox workspace extension object. |
IToolboxWorkspaceFactory |
Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace factory object. |
IWPSServer |
Provides access to the available WPS Server properties and methods. |