The size of the buffer (in bytes) that will be required to hold the Esri shapefile version of the geometry. The value may exceed the minimum required size. exportFlags is a combination of esriShapeExportFlags values.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function get_ESRIShapeSizeEx2 ( _ ByVal exportFlags As Integer _ ) As Integer
[C#] public int get_ESRIShapeSizeEx2 ( int exportFlags );
HRESULT get_ESRIShapeSizeEx2(
long exportFlags,
long* cBytes
exportFlags exportFlags is a parameter of type long cBytes [out, retval] cBytes is a parameter of type long
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Note: exportFlags is a combination of esriShapeExportFlags values.