ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IHistoricalTrafficData2 Interface

Provides access to members in historical traffic data.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property FirstTimeSliceFieldName The field name of the first time slice of the given period in the profile table.
Read/write property FirstTimeSliceStartTime The start time of valid period of a day for traffic data.
Read/write property JoinTableBaseSpeedFieldName The field name for base speed in the join table.
Read/write property JoinTableBaseSpeedUnits Base speed units.
Read/write property JoinTableBaseTravelTimeFieldName The field name for base travel time in the join table.
Read/write property JoinTableBaseTravelTimeUnits Base travel time units.
Read/write property JoinTableName The name of the join table between edges and profiles.
Read/write property JoinTableProfileIDFieldNames The field names of the historic join table pointing to speed profiles.
Read/write property LastTimeSliceFieldName The field name of the last time slice of the given period in the profile table.
Read/write property ProfilesTableName The name of the table containing profiles.
Read/write property TimeSliceDurationInMinutes The duration of time slice in minutes.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IHistoricalTrafficData Provides access to members in historical traffic data.

CoClasses that implement IHistoricalTrafficData2

CoClasses and Classes Description
TrafficData A container for members in traffic data.