ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ITopologyContainer2 Interface

Provides access to members that create, add, and hand out topologies.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The ITopologyContainer2 interface should be used to create topologies that will contain at least one feature class that is Z aware.  The ITopologyContainer2::CreateTopologyEx method allows the specification of a Z cluster tolerance, which indicates which Z clustering model will be used; Building or Terrain.


Method CreateTopology Creates a new topology.
Method CreateTopologyEx Creates a new topology.
Read-only property DefaultClusterTolerance The default cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property DefaultZClusterTolerance The default z cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property MaximumClusterTolerance The maximal cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property MaximumZClusterTolerance The maximal z cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property MinimumClusterTolerance The minimal cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property MinimumZClusterTolerance The minimal z cluster tolerance as per the topology engine.
Read-only property Topology The topology at the specified index.
Read-only property TopologyByID The topology with the specified ID.
Read-only property TopologyByName The topology with the specified name.
Read-only property TopologyCount The number of topologies in the container.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITopologyContainer Provides access to members that create, add, and hand out topologies.

CoClasses that implement ITopologyContainer2

CoClasses and Classes Description
FeatureDataset Esri Feature Dataset object.


The ITopologyContainer2 interface can be used to manage and create topologies within a feature dataset.  If your intention is to simply browse for the set of topologies in a feature dataset, it is not necessary to open the feature dataset and call the methods on ITopologyContainer.  The IFeatureDatasetName2::TopologyNames method can be used to efficiently obtain this information.  Careful consideration should be given to specifying the parameters when creating a topology.  Once the topology is built, none of the parameters can be modified.  In order to change properties such as the Z cluster tolerance, the topology must be deleted and rebuilt with the new parameters.