ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IRasterStorageDef Interface

Provides access to members that control raster storage properties. Note: the IRasterStorageDef interface has been superseded byIRasterStorageDef2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property CellSize The cell size of the raster to be stored.
Read/write property CompressionQuality The compression quality (in case of JPEG compression) to be applied to the raster being stored.
Read/write property CompressionType The compression type to be applied on the raster being stored.
Read/write property Origin The origin of the raster to be stored.
Read/write property PyramidLevel The number of pyramid levels.
Read/write property PyramidResampleType The method used for pyramid resampling.
Read/write property TileHeight The raster storage tile height.
Read/write property TileWidth The raster storage tile width.

CoClasses that implement IRasterStorageDef

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterStorageDef Raster Value Storage Definition Class.


The IRasterStorageDef interface provides access to the storage parameters of a RasterValue or a RasterDataset , it allows you to set parameters used to store raster data.

The CompressionQuality property specifies the compression quality if the compression type is JPEG or JPEG 2000, the valid range is 5 to 95 where 95 is the best quality. By default, the compression quality is 75.

The CompressionType is an enumeration type of property. It specifies the compression method to be used to compress the raster data, LZ77 (lossless) and JPEG (lossy), and JPEG 2000 compression types are supported. By default, the data is compressed with LZ77.

The PyramidLevel property specifies the number of pyramid layers to be built for the raster dataset. If you want the geodatabase to build full pyramids with appropriate levels, use a value of –1. If you do not want the pyramid to be built, use 0, or you can specify the level you see fit your dataset. By default, the geodatabase builds full pyramid.

The PyramidResampleType determines which resampling method will be used to compute the pyramid layers. For categorical data, nearest neighbor resampling is best, while for continuous data, bilinear interpolation or cubic convolution are appropriate. By default, nearest neighbor resampling method is used.

The TileHeight and TileWidth properties determine the size of the storage block unit. The size must be multiple of 16, such as 128 or 256. The default tile size is 128 x 128 and it is good for most cases. For saving out a tiled TIFF, IRaterStorageDef2:Tiled needs to set to be True.

The Origin property only applies for enterprise geodatabase raster data. The origin is for pyramid storage reference, so if mosaicking raster data to the lower-right of the origin, the pyramids of the mosaic dataset will be built partially instead of fully. This is not the origin of the raster dataset extent.

The CellSize property applies to Personal, File and ArcSDE geodatabases. Once it is set, any new data that are mosaicked to it will be resampled to the specified cellsize. If not set, the cellsize of the first raster dataset mosaicked to it will be the cellsize of the mosaicked raster.

See Also

RasterCatalogItem Class | IRasterCatalogItem Interface | RasterValue Class | RasterCatalog Class | IRasterCatalogItem Interface