ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

INativeTypeInfo Interface

Provides access to the native type.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property NativeType The native type.

CoClasses that implement INativeTypeInfo

CoClasses and Classes Description
CacheRasterDatasetName (esriCarto) A raster dataset name for Globe and Map cache.
CadastralFabricName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Esri Cadastral Fabric Name Object.
CadDrawingName (esriDataSourcesFile) Cad Drawing Name object
CoverageFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesFile) Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information.
CoverageName (esriDataSourcesFile) Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information.
FDLFeatureClass (esriDataInteropUI) FDLFeatureClass Class
FeatureClassName Esri Feature Class Name object.
FeatureDatasetName Esri Feature Dataset Name object.
FgdbFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesGDB) File GeoDatabase Feature Class Name object.
FgdbTableName (esriDataSourcesGDB) File GeoDatabase Table Name object.
FunctionRasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) A class for a function raster dataset.
GeometricNetwork Esri Geometric Network object.
GeometricNetworkName Esri Geometric Network Name object.
GxAGSConnection (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection.
GxAGSDraftFolder (esriCatalog) The Esri GxAGSDraftFolder object.
GxAGSFolder (esriCatalog) The Esri GxAGSFolder object.
GxCadDataset (esriCatalog) A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset.
GxCoverageDataset (esriCatalog) A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset.
GxDatabase (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a database.
GxDataGraph (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents data graph.
GxDataset (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a dataset.
GxDiskConnection (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a disk connection.
GxExcelFile (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a excel file.
GxFeatureDefinitionPackage (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a feature definition package.
GxFile (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a file.
GxFolder (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a folder.
GxGDSGeodatabase (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection.
GxGeoprocessingResult (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a Geoprocessing Result.
GxLayer (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a layer.
GxMap (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a map.
GxMetadata (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents an XML file.
GxMSDFile (esriCatalogUI) A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset.
GxPackage (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a layer or map package.
GxPCCoverage (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents PC Coverage.
GxPre70Coverage (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents Pre-7.0 Coverage.
GxPrjFile (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents GxPrjFile.
GxRasterDataset (esriCatalog) A Gx Raster dataset.
GxReport (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a report.
GxSDCDataset (esriCatalog) A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table.
GxServiceDefinition (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a service definition.
GxShapefileDataset (esriCatalog) A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table.
GxShortcut (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a shortcut to a GxObject.
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFile (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a spatial weights matrix file.
GxStreetMapDataset (esriCatalog) A StreetMap feature class.
GxTextFile (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents the text file.
GxTool (esriCatalog) Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools.
GxToolbox (esriCatalog) Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes.
GxVpfDataset (esriCatalog) A VPF Feature Class.
GxWCSConnection (esriCatalog) The connection of WCS service.
GxWCSCoverage (esriCatalog) GxWCSCoverage object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMSConnection (esriCatalog) The connection of WMS service.
GxWMTSConnection (esriCatalog) The connection of WMTS service.
GxWorkspaceFolder (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents a workspace folder.
IMSConnection (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents ArcIMS Connection.
IMSFeatureClass (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class.
IMSFeatureService (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service.
IMSImageMap (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents ArcIMS Image Map.
IMSMetadataService (esriCatalog) GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service.
LasDatasetName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The Esri LasDatasetName component.
NetCDFRasterDatasetName (esriDataSourcesNetCDF) A container for name information about a NetCDF raster dataset.
NetworkDataset A container for querying information about a network dataset.
NetworkDatasetName A container for describing this network dataset's name properties.
ObjectClassName Esri Object Class Name object.
RasterBand (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterBandName A container for name information about a raster band.
RasterCatalogName Esri RasterCatalog Name object.
RasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterDatasetName A container for name information about a raster dataset.
RelationshipClassName Esri Relationship Class Name object.
SchematicDatasetName (esriSchematic) Schematic dataset name object.
SchematicDiagramName (esriSchematic) Schematic diagram name object.
SchematicFolderName (esriSchematic) Schematic folder name object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureClass (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature class object.
TableName Esri Table Name object.
Terrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The Esri Terrain component.
TerrainName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Esri Terrain Name object.
Tin The Esri TIN component.
TinName The Esri TinName component.
TopologyName Esri Topology Name object.