Provides access to members of a Geoprocessing Domain.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
When To Use
The IGPDomain interface provides access to the GPDomain object which is used as a filter to determine, if a given value is a valid input to a given tool parameter. For example, the domain for a simple value object of type integer can limit the integer to a range of 1 to 100. Another example for simple values is a domain of type GPCodedValueDomain.
There is a different domain class for every type of validation. For example, in order for a tool input parameter to only accept shapefiles, a domain class must be written to only accept shapefiles.
Description | ||
![]() |
MemberOf | Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. |
CoClasses that implement IGPDomain
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
DataElementDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. |
GPArcInfoItemDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. |
GPCadAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCodedValueDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. |
GPCompositeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Domain. |
GPCovAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCoverageDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. |
GPCoverageFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. |
GPDatasetDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. |
GPFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. |
GPFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Domain. |
GPFieldInfoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. |
GPFileDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing File Domain. |
GPGdbAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPLayersAndTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | The GpLayers and Tables domain object. |
GPMeasureFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. |
GPNumericDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. |
GPQueryTableFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. |
GPQueryTableIDsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. |
GPRAFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. |
GPRangeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Range Domain. |
GPRepresentationLayerDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. |
GPRouteDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering route feature classes. |
GPRouteIDFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. |
GPRouteMeasureEventDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. |
GPSAGeoDataDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. |
GPSANameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhoodDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | Neighborhood Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSARemapDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | Remap Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSATextTableNameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | The GpTables domain object. |
GPVirtualTableDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering out the virtual tables. |
GPWorkspaceDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. |