Generic 3D transformation.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub Transform3D ( _ ByVal ipXf As IGeodataXform, _ ByVal direction As esriTransformDirection, _ ByVal npts As Integer, _ ByRef pPoints As WKSPointZ _ )
[C#] public void Transform3D ( IGeodataXform ipXf, esriTransformDirection direction, int npts, ref WKSPointZ pPoints );
HRESULT Transform3D(
IGeodataXform* ipXf,
esriTransformDirection direction,
long npts,
_WKSPointZ* pPoints
ipXf [in]ipXf is a parameter of type IGeodataXform
direction [in]direction is a parameter of type esriTransformDirection
npts [in] npts is a parameter of type long pPoints [in]pPoints is a parameter of type _WKSPointZ
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.