ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IMapPoint Interface

A point in map space (easting, northing) or (longitude, latitude) with its associated uncertainty information.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method Compare Compares X, Y, M, Z, ID of this point (in that order) with that of the other point. Returns -1 if this point's value is less, 1 if greater, and 0 otherwise. Useful for sorting a group of points.
Method ConstrainAngle Projects this point to the point on the infinite line defined by anchor and angle (in radians). If allowOpposite is true, then the point can also snap to angle + pi radians.
Method ConstrainDistance Projects this point to the perimeter of the circle defined by radius and anchor.
Read/write property ID The Point ID attribute.
Read/write property ImageID The image ID of this IMapPoint.
Read/write property M The measure attribute.
Read/write property MapPointID The identification string of this IMapPoint.
Read/write property PointingErrorCovarianceMatrix The pointing error covariance matrix that is associated with this IMapPoint.
Method PutCoords Sets the X and Y coordinates.
Method QueryCoords Returns the X and Y coordinates.
Read/write property X The X coordinate.
Read/write property Y The Y coordinate.
Read/write property Z The Z attribute.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IPoint Provides access to members that define two dimensional points.

CoClasses that implement IMapPoint

CoClasses and Classes Description
MapPoint Implements interface IMapPoint (a point in map space).