ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IItemPaths Interface

Provides access to members that control item paths.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method GetPaths Returns all paths associated with the object.
Method ReplacePaths Updates all paths associated with the object using the specified mapping rule. The number of values in the two arrays must be the same.

CoClasses that implement IItemPaths

CoClasses and Classes Description
CompositeItemURI A composite item URI object.
DEMosaicDataset The MosaicDataset Data Element object.
FileCrawler A crawler for files that reside on the file-system.
FileItemURI An item URI that identifes a file.
FolderCrawler A crawler for folders that reside on the file-system.
FunctionRasterDataset A class for a function raster dataset.
IkonosFileCrawler A crawler for IKONOS and GeoEye-1 files.
IndexedItemURI An indexed item URI object.
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments.
LasToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasToRasterFunction arguments.
MosaicDataset A mosaic dataset object.
MultiPartItemURI A multi-part item URI object.
OverviewItemURI An overview item URI object.
QuickBirdFileCrawler A crawler for QuickBird and WorldView files.
RasterTypeItemURI An item URI constructed by the raster type object.
RPFItemURI An item URI that identifes aN RPF file.
TableCrawler A cralwer for tables.
TerrainToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The TerrainToRasterFunction arguments.