The geometric transformation types.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriGeoTransProjective | -3 | Transformation is projective. |
esriGeoTransRubberSheeting | -2 | Transformation is rubbersheeting. |
esriGeoTransSpline | -1 | Transformation is spline. |
esriGeoTransPolyOrder0 | 0 | Transformation is a 0 order polynomail (shift only). |
esriGeoTransPolyOrder1 | 1 | Transformation is a first order polynomial. |
esriGeoTransPolyOrder2 | 2 | Transformation is a second order polynomial. |
esriGeoTransPolyOrder3 | 3 | Transformation is a third order polynomial. |
esriGeoTransPolyOrderUndefined | 4 | Transformation is undefined. |
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.