ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesNetCDF)  

esriNetCDFError Constants

The NetCDF related error codes.

Constant Value Description
E_NETCDF_FILE_NOT_FOUND -2147217407 NetCDF file cannot be found.
E_NETCDF_FILE_INVALID_EXTENSION -2147217406 NetCDF file extension is invalid.
E_NETCDF_RENDERER_INVALID_BAND_INDEX -2147217405 Specified band index is invalid.
E_NETCDF_FILE_FAILED_TO_RENAME -2147217404 Failed to rename the specified file.
E_NETCDF_FILE_FAILED_TO_COPY -2147217403 Failed to copy the specified file.
E_NETCDF_ACCESS_IS_DENIED -2147217402 The user does not have permission to execute the operation.
E_NETCDF_DATASET_EXIST -2147217401 NetCDF file(table for SDE) already exist.
E_NETCDF_UNKNOWN_ERROR -2147217408 Unknown error.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.