ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IMapTimeDisplay2 Interface

Provides access to members that control the current time on the map.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method ComputeFullTimeExtent Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map.
Read/write property CurrentTimeExtent The current time extent of the map.
Read/write property DefaultTimeInterval The time interval to be used by the time slider to animate the map.
Read/write property DefaultTimeIntervalUnits The time interval units to be used to animate the map.
Read/write property DefaultTimeWindow The time window used to display the data in the map.
Read/write property DisplayDateFormat The format of the date that is displayed on the time slider.
Read/write property DisplayEachTimestamp Indicates whether data for each timestamp will be drawn when playing the time visualization.
Read/write property DisplaySpeed The speed of the slider on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the fastest.
Read/write property DisplayTimeFormat The format of the time that is displayed on the time slider.
Read/write property DynamicTimeRefresh Indicates whether the data in the map refreshes when moving the time slider dynamically.
Read/write property FullTimeExtent Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map.
Read/write property HasLiveData Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer that is being updated frequently with new data.
Method HasTimeData Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer.
Read/write property PlayOption The play option (Stop, Reverse, Repeat) used by the slider after the time visualization has been played once.
Read/write property ShowTime Indicates whether time is enabled on the map.
Read/write property ShowTimeOnDisplay Indicates whether time is displayed on the map.
Read/write property TimeExtentDefinitionLayer The time-enabled layer that defines the time extent of the map.
Read/write property TimeExtentOption Indicates how the time extent of the map is defined.
Read/write property TimeReference The time reference (time zone information, daylight savings, etc.) associated with the map.
Read/write property TimeRelation Time relation used with the time window for the map.
Read/write property TimeValue The time extent for which the data is displayed in the map.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMapTimeDisplay Provides access to members that control the current time on the map.

CoClasses that implement IMapTimeDisplay2

CoClasses and Classes Description
Globe (esriGlobeCore) A container for the display and manipulation of data in the Globe.
Map A container for the display and manipulation of map data.
Scene (esri3DAnalyst) A container for the display and manipulation of data.